Nape - The front and thinnest part of a fillet, around the belly.
net weight – Weight of product without packing material or glaze.
Nape cut Fillets: A wide angular cut from the gill cover to the vent
eliminating the rib cage, or by slicing it from the fillet.
Native Fish - Those
species which occur naturally in an area.
Net Weight: Net weight is the
weight of the product without packing material or glaze. The problem is
to determine the net weight without glaze, since most seafoods will drip
their own moisture for days.
New Zealand King Salmon - Quinnat
Salmon. Average length 40-100 cm; average weight 8-10 kg. Species
introduced, not native to New Zealand. Colour of sea-living salmon
bright silvery; back greenish-olive with small black spots, belly
silvery white. Flesh in lower jaw alongside teeth dusky-grey. Scales
very small and easily lost in fish from sea; has a small adipose fin.
Found in coastal waters, mainly east coast of South Island of New
Zealand. Distribution little understood but probably mostly not far
offshore, migrates inshore and up rivers to spawn in late summer and
autumn. A salmon farming industry has developed with fish being raised
either in fresh water ponds to “pansize” (about 30 cm) or in sea cages
up to 5 kg. Farm production is year round with harvesting to suit market
requirements. Ocean ranching of salmon is also being developed. Flesh
pink/orange colour with firm but good flaking texture and high oil
content. Mostly sold whole chilled but with other forms, including
smoked, available.
New Zealand Sole - Average size
30-40cm. Graded according to weight from 175 to 600+ gm. Occurs around
New Zealand only. Two related and very similar inshore species,
Peltorhamphus Iatus and Peltorhamphus tenuis, also present in New
Zealand, grow to only about 20cm and are easily mistaken for juvenile P
novaezeelandiae. Colour greenish-grey, blind side white. Shape oval,
widest part well forward of centre. Mouth concealed by rostral hook, but
visible from blind side. Scales rough. Most abundant around South Island
in depths to 100m. Caught by trawling; landed all year round. Flesh
white, with delicate texture, Upper fillets slightly darker, whiten on
Nictitating Membrane -
The white inner eyelid of some sharks which shuts to protect the eye
while fighting and feeding.
Norway Haddock: This important
commercial fish is a member of the rockfish group. Also known as "ocean
perch," although it is not a true perch.
Nuchal Hump - This is
an enlarged hump on some species of male fish.