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Labyrinth Organ - This is an organ that enables fish to obtain oxygen from the air.


Lake Herring - One of the most prized whitefish found in the Great Lakes and in Canada. May be prepared in any manner suitable for salmon. Also called "cisco" and "chub."


Laminae - Plates. Used here to describe the plate-like outer covering on oyster shells.


Lampara - Similar to, but much smaller than, a purse seine with no pursing action. This net is generally used for catching artificial light attracted schools of small fish such as anchovy and pilchard.


Landings - Quantities of fish, shellfish, and other aquatic plants and animals brought ashore and sold. Landings of fish may be in terms of round (live) weight or dressed weight. Landings of crustaceans are usually on a live weight basis except for shrimp, which may be on a heads-on or heads-off basis. Mollusks are generally landed with the shell on, but in some cases only the meats are landed (as with scallops). Data for all mollusks are published on meat weight basis.


Langostino - The Spanish word for "prawn."


Larvae - Immature but active stage of growth.


Lateral Line - A sensory organ along each side of the head and body of fishes, probably for detecting vibrations, currents and pressure.


Layer Pack - Product, usually fillets, put into a carton in layers with a sheet of polyethylene between each layer of product.


Leather Jacket - Average length 20-30 cm, average weight 200-500 gins. Similar species occurs in Australia. Colour variable; usually greyish brown with some obscure darker markings. Soft dorsal and anal fins bright yellow. Rough skin. Widespread around New Zealand in rocky weedy areas from the shore to at least 60 m. Caught mainly by trawling; landed all year round. Very white. Flesh texture and flavour similar to that of flounder or sole. Usually sold headed, gutted and skinned, as this produces a portion-sized serving.


Lemon Sole - Average size 25-35 cm. Graded according to weight from 175 to 600+ gm with the most common grades between 300-500 gm. Species restricted to New Zealand only. Colour grey or brown with irregular faintly darker marbled pattern, blind side white. Shape oval, widest part well forward of centre. Scales rough (smooth in all flounders). Occurs in coastal waters all around New Zealand but most common in the south, to depths of 100m. Caught by trawling; landed all year round. Flesh white, with delicate texture. Upper fillets slightly darker, whiten on cooking.



Limpet - A gastropod with a distinctive pointed Chinese, hat-shaped shell, limpets can be found, like barnacles, clinging to rocks. Rarely found outside of coastal areas, and even there only in specialty markets, the meat can be eaten raw, or lightly sautéed. Like most seafood, it must be cooked lightly to prevent toughening.


Ling Cod - A North American Pacific coast fish with a mildly sweet flavor and a firm, lean texture.


Little Neck Clam - There are two species of clams called littlenecks:

  • On the East Coast, Little Neck after Little Neck Bay on Long Island, a quahog less than 2 inches in diameter)
  • On the West Coast, Pacific littlenecks.

Both of these hard-shell clams measure less than 2 inches across. They’re usually eaten on the half shell.


Lobster - This crustacean was used as bait until around 1880. Because dead lobsters spoil quickly, they should be cooked live if possible. (Live lobsters curl their tails under when picked up.) Look for curled tails on precooked lobsters


Logs - Swordfish or mahi mahi carcasses that have been headed, gutted and tailed, with the belly flaps trimmed.


Loin - The boneless portion of edible flesh cut lengthwise from either side of the backbone of a large, round-bodied fish.


Longfinned Eel - (Anguilla dieffenbachii). Average adult size: longfin 50-70 cm (males), 80-120 cm (females). Longfinned Eels occur in New Zealand only. Longfin is common in lakes and rivers everywhere in New Zealand: On reaching maturity they migrate to the sea to breed. The  migrating Iongfins are sooty black. The longfin matures an average of 33 years for the female. The migrant eels have a much higher fat content. Caught mainly by fyke nets, some by traps and pots. . Flesh white, with firm texture. Fat content variable but generally lower than fat content of European eels. Makes excellent smoked product.


Longline - Used in snapper, groper, ling and bluefin tuna fisheries. The line has numerous baited hooks attached and is set for varying periods up to several hours on the seafloor, or in the case of bluefin tuna, in surface-waters.


Lotte - This large low-fat, firm-textured salt-water fish has a mild, sweet flavor that compares with lobster. Sometimes referred to as "poor man's lobster." Also called "angler fish," "monkfish," and "goosefish."


Lox - Smoked salmon. Mild-cured salmon (soaked in brine for a long periods, then soaked to remove the salt) that has been cold smoked.





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