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from some of the BEST PLACES TO FISH !

27th May, 2009: FISHING REPORT:  Port Alberni Inlet, Barkley Sound, Ucluelet (West Coast), Somas-Stamp River System.

by Doug Lindores of Slivers Charters Salmon Sport Fishing

Mike of Port Alberni B.C. shows his two Chinook picked up outside the Ucluelet Harbour on anchovy. The anchovy was inside a glow army truck Rhys Davis Teaser Head. Fishing inshore and offshore Vancouver Island will be very good this yearThe wonderful month of June is close and the saltwater fishing season is quickly upon us. The weather has been spectacular and the salmon fishing in much of this area has been very good for the last two weeks. It is quite evident as everyday, more and more vehicles are traveling the local roads and highways towing 15-30 foot long sport fishing boats. Many sport fishermen are launching out of Port Alberni’s Clutesi Haven Marina and are heading down to scenic Barkley Sound to fish popular surf line areas while others are taking the scenic drive to Ucluelet which is located on Vancouver Islands rugged but very spectacular West Coast. Many individuals without boats are also heading to Port Alberni and the Coast and are taking advantage of using one of the many Sport Fishing Charter and Guiding businesses that are available. Two avid fishermen just recently on a 3 day trip stated “by the time a boat is purchased and then paying out the summer moorage, winter storage, boat insurance, gas, and outfitting of the boat they could go on three or four fishing trips a year for the next fifteen years”.

This is a picture of Glenn of Vancouver B.C. who fished the South Bank with guide Wayne.  South Bank is off of the coast line of Vanocuver Island out of Ucluelet B.C. This beautiful Chinook hit a silver glo coyote spoon.  While spending time in the area, fishermen not only spend hours fishing but also taking opportunity to hike, kayak, sightsee, beach comb, whale watch, and just relax in one of the most spectacular areas of the world. The area from Port Alberni out to Bamfield and to Ucluelet has rugged mountainous terrain to wonderful rainforest groves. These areas are waiting to be explored. There is always time at the end of any fishing day to explore the amazing adventure opportunities in the Alberni Valley and Pacific Rim.

The forecast along the West Coast, Barkley Sound, and the Port Alberni Inlet are extremely good. The various outer banks off the West Coast plus inshore, surfline, and Barkley Sound areas have already experienced good salmon fishing due to the high number of migratory salmon returning to various rivers to the south. Chinook Salmon have been popular in the 15 to 20 pound range with a few up to 25 pounds. The early summer Coho will come into the mix. Limits are currently at four salmon per day per person (2 Chinook, 2 Coho) and 1 halibut and 3 Ling Cod.

Port Alberni Inlet / Barkley Sound

Dr. John Steiner of Utah shows off his first Sockeye catch.  He couldn't be happier!The salmon fishing in Barkley Sound has really improved over the past 10 days. Guide Jon had a great trip with guests from Saskatchewan. Late Saturday and Sunday morning the fishing really picked up for Chinook. On Sunday using anchovy in an ultraviolet Rhys Davis Teaser Head guests played up to 12 salmon inside of an hour. The Saskatchewan crew ended up with six phenomenal Chinook up to 20 pounds. Other hot spots in the Sound have been Swale Rock, Meares, and Whittlestone. Standby hootchies in white and green as well as anchovy in the ultra green or chartreuse color made by Rhys Davis have worked very well. We are expecting the summer Coho to come into the picture fairly soon. The Coho numbers going to the Columbia alone are forecast to be approximately 1.6 million. The Early summer run which begins sometime at the beginning of June are usually 60% of the forecast run. June and July should be spectacular. Of course the returning salmon coming into the sound and also returning to the Port Alberni Inlet will show up at the beginning of August. Mixed in with these will be 14 to 17 million pinks returning to the Fraser. There is also a run size of up to 12 million sockeye. Late Coho by August are putting on a pound a week and we hope that many of these will swim the beach and stay in tight.

The Port Alberni Inlet will open to Sockeye fishing on June 15th. The Somass River has had good numbers returning to date. There is a lot of excitement in the area as many avid fishermen are getting ready to fish the tastiest salmon of all. The last sockeye fishery in the inlet was the summer of 06. Sockeye Salmon like a lot of color behind the boat. Many local anglers will run up to 6 flashers behind the boat. Fishermen should be prepared to run pink or red mini plankton hootchies with 22 to 27 inches of leader behind a green or red flasher. The sockeye will school in the inlet once the river warms up to 18 degrees Celsius. Some of the best sockeye fishing in the early part of the seson has been in Cous Creek and Underwood Cove. Usually mid June sees some great fishing in the harbor and the Nahmint-Franklin area.

Outdoor picture of the Cedar Wood Lodge located on River Road with access to the beautiful Somass River.  The Cedar Wood provides many features for the avid sport FishermanWe are expecting this fishing season to be one of the best.  We are planning to fish Barkley Sound most of the time.  We often make day trips although there are some guests that prefer to stay in some of the beautiful lodges located in areas of Barkley Sound and Bamfield.  This is not to say that the Port Alberni Inlet will not be a hot spot to fish.  The salmon fishing for Chinook and Coho really gets going by mid August and continues into late September.  In Port Alberni we have a wonderful accommodation-fishing package.  The beautiful Cedar Wood Lodge provides an ideal spot for fishermen to relax after a day on the boat.  The Lodge provides elegant accommodations, luxurious spa tubs, exquisite gardens, a BBQ available for your use, and a delicious breakfast or fisherman’s brunch to take on the boat with you.  Check out their website at:   www.cedarwood.bc.ca 

Vancouver West Coast (Ucluelet)

Sockeye fishing will again happen this year in the Port Alberni Inlet.  First time since 2006.  We are expecting to see a repeat of the great catch in this picture.  Sockeye fishing opens in the Port Alberni Inlet on June 15, 2009.  Come and ENJOY!!!The Ucluelet or Pacific Rim salmon fishing as usual has had some great sport fishing. The Commercial Fleet has also done very well on the troll on the outer banks. South Bank fishing for guides Wayne and Al has been fabulous. Limits of Chinook have been quite easy on many occasions. However this is not to say that on some days guides have to work very hard and move around to find the salmon. Anchovy in a glow army truck Rhys Davis Teaser Head and a Purple Haze Teaser Head have been working. A green or red hot spot flasher and an Old Betsy have been working well with the anchovy. A blue colored hootchie, the Kermit and blue-nickel four and five inch coyote spoons are also currently working well. The salmon have been in 80 to 120 feet of water. When the outer bank fishing has slowed on certain days or the weather has been difficult and unfavorable, many inshore areas have been producing some beautiful Chinook up to 25 pounds. Areas such as Mara Rock, Great Bear, or the red can which are all very close to the Ucluelet Harbor and Portland Point which is to the west of the Harbor are some of the more favorable areas to fish. Guide Mike has been using a green glo and silver glo coyote spoon and has had a lot of success. He has also trolled up a few very nice halibut using salmon bellies around Great Bear and Sail Rock. The biggest halibut for guests this year is 45 pounds. The Ucluelet inshore and offshore fishing this summer will be remarkable. Migratory returns to the south have never been predicted to be as high as they are since 1982. Look for more information in future reports.

If you are keen to fish one of B.C.s top river organize your trip now.


For more information


Doug Lindores
Slivers Charters Salmon Sport Fishing
+1 250 724 2502 (h)
+1 250 731 7389 ©
Toll Free Number:  1- 888 214 7206




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