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from some of the BEST PLACES TO FISH !

17th June, 2008: FISHING REPORT:  Port Alberni Inlet, Barkley Sound, Ucluelet (West Coast), Somas-Stamp River System.

by Doug Lindores of Slivers Charters Salmon Sport Fishing
Toll Free Number:  1- 888 214 7206

Time seems to be moving very quickly as we are already into the middle of June. June has been a great month of fishing for sport anglers and salmon fishing charter guides off of Ucluelet and in various areas of Barkley Sound. To date most of the Ucluelet fishing for both salmon and halibut has been fairly close to the beach. Barkley Sound salmon fishing has been best from Vernon Bay out to Effingham. The Port Alberni Inlet is quiet but Sockeye Salmon are entering the Somass River daily and making their way through the counters and entering Sproat Lake and Great Central Lake.

Port Alberni Inlet  & Barkley Sound

Owen from Port Alberni fished The Wreck, whcih is off of Ucluelet, with guide Mike shows off one of his Chinook.Usually by mid-June their have been reports of the first sockeye catches in the Port Alberni Inlet. DFO has issued a reported estimate that 150,000 sockeye are returning back to the system. This is a very low return and there will not be any fishing of sockeye unless the return looks brighter. User groups have curtailed any fishing in June. There will also not be any fishing of sockeye in July unless returns look better.

The counters have been in place for Great Central Lake since May 14th and on May 20th they were in place for Sproat Lake. The river water flow has been excellent and will continue into the early summer because of the continued high snow pack. This of course has helped keep water temperatures very cool which the sockeye prefer. Escapement totals to June 9th are 2,802 sockeye into Sproat Lake and 219 sockeye into Great Central Lake. This is the first report of the season and escapement reports will be provided once or twice per week. The next report is expected on June 17th. Numbers should be much higher by this date. Sproat Lake returns are traditionally stronger in the early part of the season.

The Port Alberni Inlet should become a busy area for angling in August. Good returns of Chinook and Coho are forecast. The department of fisheries has forecast a surplus report for both species with Chinook returns being predominately five and three year olds.

The Chinook fishing over the last ten days in Barkley Sound has been excellent. Charter salmon fishing guides and sport anglers have had several days where they have had limits or close to limits on Chinook ranging from 15 to 25 pounds. The areas of Vernon Bay, Harold Island, and the water off of Swale Rock and Meares have been very good. On Saturday guide Jon picked up six Chinook with the two largest weighing in at 25 and 26 pounds. Jon treated guests with the best fishing close to Harold Island and the Port Alberni side of the entrance to Juliette Passage. There has been plenty of bait in the area which of course brings the salmon in to feed before continuing on their migratory route back to their original river to spawn. Most of the salmon around the Harold Island area were in 100 feet of water and were hitting a green/glow four inch coyote spoon behind a green flasher and 42 inches of leader. Other than the coyote spoon the only other hits came on a green spatterback. Anchovy which during the early part of the season has been excellent was not the answer on Saturday for Jon. However for guide Mike, Anchovy in a green glow Rhys Davis teaser head has been working at Swale and Meares. Chinook in these two areas are in 80 to 110 feet of water.

In this picture Tom from Utah shows off his chrome 20 pound Chinook Salmon that he picked up with guide John the day before the 2007 Port Alberni Salmon Fishing Derby, There should be a good surplus of Chinook in the Inlet this August and September.Diplock was a good spot to fish on Friday for some. Reports that one angler and his fishing friend picked up four chrome Chinook weighing in from 15 to 18 pounds on a white hootchie and a watermelon coyote spoon. If the bait continues to pour into Barkley Sound the Chinook and sooner or later Coho will also be there to feed. June and July can be great fishing months for migratory salmon coming down the West Coast of the Island. It seems that this is certainly again the case for June 2008. Other areas on the surfline of the Sound that can have fantastic fishing are Cree and Austin Island and also Kirby Point and Edward King.


The water on the west coast of Vancouver Island can be pleasant.  On a beautiful June morning Owen plays a Chinook Salmon in calm and very peaceful water.Ucluelet fishing has been very good for several days. Guides Mike, Dave, and Al have all been doing well on their halibut or salmon or salmon-halibut combo trips. The halibut have continued to remain tight to the beach but there are promising reports of more being picked up out at the Big Bank.

Guide Dave treated guests from Vancouver with some good halibut and salmon fishing late in the week. Fishing at the Lighthouse Bank which is only five miles south of Ucluelet the Vancouver guests picked up six halibut with the largest coming in at 40 pounds. Two great salmon weighing 18 pounds a piece were also brought to the boat. Bouncing whole large herring off the oceans floor and sometimes 10 to 15 feet off the bottom seemed to work very well. The salmon were not in the mid water but seemed to want to stay in the deep and were picked up just off the bottom. Guide Dave has also had some excellent Chinook fishing at Longbeach. Mike who has been fishing in the Ucluelet area daily when weather permits has had some good days at Great Bear and The Wreck. Over the weekend The Wreck produced some smaller halibut and good sized Chinook ranging 12 to 20 pounds. Anchovy in a purple haze teaser head and a UV green worked very well for the Chinook. The halibut were hitting army truck hootchies bounced off the bottom on the troll. Ucluelet has had some wonderful fishing. All of the sport fishing guides favorite spots have been hot. It is expected that with controlled fishing to the North that the fishing in the areas of Ucluelet and Barkley Sound will be very good. The Alaskan Commercial fleet is fishing 52% less. This permits more salmon to come into West Coast Vancouver Island waters.

Somass- Stamp River

There is currently not a sport fishery in the river. With sockeye numbers low the days of lining up on the river bank are over. It is expected that in the fall, Chinook, Coho, and summer steelhead fishing should be very good. We have put together an excellent fall fishing and accomodation package. At the moment there is little availability in September. October and November are also excellent river fishing months.

Remember to plan you Labor Day Weekend plans. The Port Alberni Labor Day Weekend Salmon Derby is always a great hit. The fishing in this years’ derby will occur during the last two days of August and the first day of September. There should be plenty of Chinook and Coho in the Port Alberni Inlet and Barkley Sound. With the prediction of a great return of five year old Chinook there should be some large salmon weighed in during this years’ derby. Make your plans and come to this years Port Alberni Labor Day Weekend Salmon fishing Derby.

For more information


Doug Lindores
Slivers Charters Salmon Sport Fishing
+1 250 724 2502 (h)
+1 250 731 7389 ©
Toll Free Number:  1- 888 214 7206




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