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from some of the BEST PLACES TO FISH !

29th September, 2011: FISHING REPORT:  Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Captain David Ide of Lady Pamela II Sportfishing Charters

grouperEarlier this year my dad told me his dream was to catch a giant blue fin tuna fish. So I ask my friend that Bluefin tuna fishes up in nova Scotia Canada so I made a decision to take my dad fishing somewhere different. God Knows when I go on vacation I go fishing shocker right. Well I got to telling a few friend that I was going and showed them some previses videos from up there soon we had a full boat four people My dad and I and Paul that fishes with me and a customer of mine Ed from New Jersey we all few in the same day and the following day was our first day to go fishing so we got to our assume house over looking the bay and then in the morning we drove 25 min's to the boat first thing in the morning we got on the boat at 7 am and head out the inlet and stared catching tinker mackerels and filled the live well and our bait box. We ran 2 ½ hours before we found the haring boats well every body on our boat wanted to see how the hiring boats caught there fish in the gill nets. As all this was going on I walked to the other side of the boat and started throwing baits over the side of the boat and these Giant Blue Fin Tuna were swirling about underneath the boat some of them over a thousand lbs. It was some thing to see so we drove away from the haring boat and put a bait in the water it wasn't long before we were tight as a tiger. Ed jumped into the fighting chair our first two fish where over one thousand lbs, We ended up fishing a total of four days caught four giant Blue fin tunas My poor day was in the fighting chair for different times and never Landed one. We almost got the leader on one of my Fathers fish about 100 lbs and it pulled the hook 10 feet from the leader. These fish look like small Volkswagen bugs it was some thing you wouldn't believe till you saw it.

Paulie and I are just a few days back from giant bluefin tuna fishing. We had two guys with us this morning, Edward and John from New York. I was running the cockpit and it was good to get back down there for a change. Normally, I am just running the boat, so today was great for me. Paulie cut fresh bonito strips before we left the dock, and I sharpened all the hooks and got the baits ready on the way out. Just outside the inlet I put out a great looking bait spread. It wasn't long before we started getting a few kingfish, as well as a few blackfin tunas. We were trolling in 100 to 350 feet of water for that first hour. We even had a pesky sailfish on the right long rigger. I had a few shots at him before the fish finally faded away. I re-sharpened all the hooks and put all fresh baits back on top. It wasn't 15 more minutes before I had a sailfish on one of the top baits. Just as I was getting Ed into the fighting chair, my left planer tripped, and I hooked up sailfish number two! I cleared all the lines so Paulie could start to drive the boat on the two fish. It was a tricky little struggle, but it all worked out, as we landed both fish. We sure ended up having a fantastic day.

Bluefin tuna, blackfin tuna, kingfish, sailfish

This afternoon the Lady Pamela and Lady Pamela IV both had afternoon trips. We headed offshore for dolphin and wahoo for the first three hours of both trips. Fishing was slow, with only a bonito and a few rainbow runners landed between the two boats. That is until the Lady Pamela found a cargo pallet floating in 500 feet of water. A quick radio call brought the LP IV in on the action! The Lady Pamela caught six wahoo and 10 nice dolphin up to 15 lbs., while the Lady Pamela IV caught four wahoo and four nice dolphin. Thanks to that pallet, what looked like a slow day, ended being two great trips!


For more information


Captain David Ide
+1 954-761-8045




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