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Fishing Bag Limits Queensland

Legal fish sizes and bag limits - TIDAL WATER FISHES


This guide provides recreational fishers with important information about responsible fishing. It covers size, take and possession (bag and size) limits, and explains how to measure catch, describes appropriate fishing gear and bait, outlines seasonal fishing requirements and provides information on noxious, native and protected fish species. It includes a list of useful contacts and a table of size, take and possession limits for both tidal and fresh waters.

The following bag limits, minimum sizes, and (where indicated) maximum sizes apply to fish throughout Queensland.

Why does Australia have Size & Bag Limits? - Click here to read a great scientific explanation by CRC Reef Research



Species Legal size (cm) Take & Possession Limit
All cods and groupers 38 min. Combined limit of 5 in total of all cod species.
Cod exceptions:    
Camouflage rockcod 50 min, 70 max  
Estuary Cod / Blackspotted Rockcod 38 min, 120 max  
Flowery Cod 50 min, 70 max  
Greasy rockcod 38 min, 100 max  
Maori cod 45 min  
Barramundi cod - No Take
Potato cod - No Take
Queensland grouper - No Take
All Coral trout* 38 min. Combined limit of 7 in total of all trout species.
Coral Trout exceptions:    
Chinese footballer trout (blue spotted coral trout) 50 min, 80 max -
All Emperors 25 min 5 per species
Emperor exceptions:    
Emperor, red throat* (sweetlip emperor) 38 min. 8
Emperor, spangled* 45 min. 5
Emperor, long nose 38 min. 5
All fusiliers No limit No limit
All parrot fishes 25 min 5 per species
All Surgeon fishes 25 min 5 per species
All Sweetlips (excluding Red Throat sweetlip) 25 min 5 per species
All tropical snappers and sea perches 25 min 5 per species
Tropical Snappers and Sea Perch Exceptions
Crimson (Rosy job fish) Jobfish and Lavender jobfish 38 min Combined limit of 8 in total for both species
Chinaman Fish - No Take
Crimson seaperch (small mouth nannygai) and saddletail seaperch (large mouth nannygai) 40 min Combined limit of 9 in total for both species
Flame Snapper 38 min 5
Goldband snapper 38 min 5
Hussar 25 min 10
Green jobfish 38 min 5
Paddletail - No Take
Red bass - No Take
Red Emperor 55 min 5
Ruby Snapper 38 min 5
Small Toothed jobfish 38 min 5
Miscellaneous jobfish 38 min 5 per species
All Wrasse 25 min 5 per species
Wrasse exceptions:    
Hump-headed Maori Wrasse - No Take
Tuskfish (all species) 30 min Combined limit of 6 in total for all tuskfish species)

A closed season applies to coral reef fin fish

In addition to individual take and possession limits for each species above, all coral reef fin fish species have a combined take and possession limit of 20.


Species Legal size (cm) Take & Possession Limit
Amberjack 75 min Combined limit of 2 in total amberjack and samsonfish
Australian bass* 30 min 2
Barramundi (Qld east coast) 58 min., 120 max. 5
Beche de mer (sea cucumber) No limit 5
Beche de mer - Black teatfish - No Take
Bream, Pikey and yellow-finned 23 min. (25cm from 1 March 2010) Combined limit of 30 in total of pikey and yellowfin bream and tarwhine
Blacklip Pearl Oyster 9 min No Limit
Cobia (Black Kingfish) 75 min 2
Crab, blue swimmer 11.5 min. No limit
Crab, mud 15 min. 10
Crab, spanner * 10 min. 20
Eel, long-finned 30 min. A combined total of 10 for all species.
Eel, Pacific 30 min. A combined total of 10 for all species.
Eel, short-finned 30 min. A combined total of 10 for all species.
Flathead (All) 30 min. Combined limit of 5 in total of all species (except dusky flathead)
Flathead, Dusky (mud flathead) 40 min., 75 max 5
Garfish No limit 20
Giant Queenfish (East Coast) 50 min 5
Giant Queenfish (Gulf of Carpentaria) 50 min No limit
Gold lipped Pearl Oyster 13 min, 23 max No limit
Grass Emperor (grass sweetlip) 30 min. 10
Javelin - Barred (spotted grunter) 40 min 10
Javelin - Barred (spotted grunter) Gulf of Carpentaria 40 min 10 whole fish or 20 fillets
Javelin - Silver (small spotted grunter) 30 min 10
Jewfish - Black (East Coast) 75 min. 2
Jewfish - Black (Gulf of Carpentaria) 60 min., 120 max 5 with no more than 2 over 10cm
Jewfish - Scaly (Jewel fish) 45 min. No limit
Luderick 30 min. 10
Mackerel, grey* 60 min. 5
Mackerel, Spanish* 75 min. 3
Mackerel, school* 50 min. 10
Mackerel, shark 50 min. 10
Mackerel, spotted* 60 min. 5
Mahi Mahi (Dolphin fish) 60 min 5
Mangrove Jack 35 min. 5
Mullet - Diamond Scale 30 min 20
Mullet - Sea 30 min 20
Molluscs (any - e.g. pipis, freshwater mussels, excluding oysters ) no limit 50
Mulloway 75 min. 2
Perch, pearl 35 min. 5

**No more than 10 prawns with their heads or any other part removed, unless the removal was to process the prawns for immediate consumption.

No limit 10 litres**
Samsonfish 75 min 2
Sharks & Rays (Effective from 1 July 2009 1.5 max 1
Sharks & Rays exceptions:
Great White Sharks
Grey Nurse Shark
Speartooth Sharks

No Take

Snapper 35 min. 5
Swallowtail Dart 39 min 30
Tailor 30 min. (35 min from 1 march 2010) 20
Tarwhine 23 min. (25 min from 1 march 2010) Combined limit of 30 in total of pikey and yellowfin bream, and tarwhine
Teraglin, jewfish* 38 min. 5
Threadfin (salmon)    
 - King 60 min 5
 - Blue (East Coast) 40 min 10
 - Blue (Gulf of Carpentaria) 40 min 20
Trevally No limit 20
Trochus 8min, 12.5 max 50
Tropical Rock lobster *
(Painted crayfish Panulirus ornatus)
115mm tail min.
90mm carapace min
Above 14° south lat. 3 per person/6 per boat. Below 14° south lat. 5 per person/10 per boat.
All other Panulirus species No limit As above
Wahoo 75 min. 2
All Whiting (except trumpeter whiting) 23 min. Combined limit of 30 in total of all whiting species (except trumpeter whiting)
Trumpeter Whiting (winter whiting) No limit 50
Wolf Herring No limit 10
Worms (including part thereof)    
Beach No limit 30
Blood No limit 30
Yellowtail Kingfish 65 min 2
Barramundi cod, paddletail, chinaman fish, potato rock cod, red bass, Queensland grouper, Hump-headed Maori wrasse.

Other no-take species include:

  • Female mud and blue swimmer crabs
  • Egg-bearing spanner crabs, slipper lobsters and
    tropical rocklobsters (tropical spiny rock lobsters)
  • Tar-spot tropical rocklobsters
    (tar-spot tropical spiny rock lobsters)
  • All sawfish
  • Great white sharks, grey nurse sharks
    and speartooth sharks
  • Clams in the family Tridacnidae,
    helmet shells and trumpet shells
  • Black teatfish

Note: Whales, porpoises, dugongs, turtles and dolphins are all
protected under the Nature Conservation Act 1992.


*A closed season applies to these species. Please refer to Recreational fishing rules and regulations for Queensland: A brief guide (PDF, 532 kB) for more information.

Available for download pdf format






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