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Diving Travel & Accommodation - Türkiye

Hotel Derin & Derin Diving Center
Antalya-Demre - Hotel and diving center
Contact: Adnan Tarkun
Telephone: +242 871 5664     Fax: +242 871 5664        
Hotel Derin
Antalya - Our Hotel and Diving center are situated in Demre (Antalya - Kale), well known for being the hometown of Santa Claus, is the closest exit point to Kekova Bay (Sunken City). Diving is beter than ever before and many dive spots as the steep walls, caves along the coast are one of the best and well known in Türkiye
Contact:  Mr Mehmet
Tel:  +90 242 871 3561   Fax:  +90 242 871 3561  
Professional diving tours & course by our luxury diving boats



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