Fumigation is a process of exposing insects or material
infested by insects
to the fumes of a chemical at a lethal strength in an enclosed space for a
given period of time. Fumigant is a chemical, which at a required
temperature and pressure can exist in the gaseous state in sufficient
concentration to be lethal to a given pest organism. Fumigation is the
introduction of the toxic gas in high concentration so that the gas pervades
the entire area and kills the insects prevalent and thus preserve the
precious cargo of the customer. The process involves the Fumigation complete
covering or sealing of the product or item with canvas, having plastic
sheets & taping to make it as airtight as possible. The Fumigant gases is
then released into the sealed area or compartment. The duration of exposure
varies from 8 hours to 48 hours, depending on the product to be fumigated
and the type of fumigant used as per temperature & requirement. After
treatments we issue Certificates & if require also arrange Govt's
Phytosanicary Certificates verifying are our treatments.