Hawaii Aquaculture and Aquaponics Association
Hawaii Aquaculture and Aquaponics Association.
Center for
Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture (CTSA)
CTSA, established in 186, is jointly administered by Oceanic
Institute and University of Hawaii. It is one of the five
United States Dept. of Agriculture regional aquaculture
centers, which fund and support aquaculture research,
development, demonstration and extension education to
enhance viable and profitable U.S. aquaculture. Unlike the
other centers, which work within a defined geographical
region, the CTSA “region” encompasses tropical and
subtropical species wherever they are cultured. Research
projects span the American Insular Pacific, using its
extensive resource base to meet the needs and concerns of
the tropical aquaculture industry.
U.S. Marine Shrimp Farming
Waimanalo, Hawaii, USA
United Stated Department of Agriculture (USDA)/Aquaculture
USDA provides data and statistics on the U.S. aquaculture
industry including production, inventory, market trends,
sales, prices, inputs, and trade of catfish, trout, tilapia,
salmon, mollusks, crawfish, shrimp, ornamental fish and new
species. It has aquaculture national health monitoring
system, and aquaculture research grants and extension
State of Hawaii - Animal Industry Division
Aquaculture is the controlled cultivation and harvest of
aquatic plants and animals. Farming the sea is a part of
Hawaii’s rich oceanic heritage. Aquaculture industry
worldwide has experienced explosive growth since the 1960’s
and there are many technology breakthroughs that make modern
aquaculture profitable and environmentally sustainable.
Hawaii’s aquaculture industry consists of Commercial
Production Sector, which includes commercial farming of a
wide variety of species, and Research and Technology
Transfer Sector, which includes service activities such as
research, degree education, training, consulting and
professional conferencing. There is a large and growing
demand for both cultured seafood and aquaculture expertise
Aquaculture Stewardship Council
The ASC's mission is to transform aquaculture towards
environmental sustainability and social responsibility using
efficient market mechanisms that create value across the
Fish & Seafood Suppliers in Hawaii
Hawaiian seafood & fish suppliers,
seafood processors, fish processors, fish processing
companies, industrial food processing equipment suppliers,
wholesalers, marine industry, aquaculture, exporters,
importers and government bodies