Prov. Aquarists’ Association
Mr. Yang Qin Quan
Rm. M2, 2/F. Market for Hua Niau Yu Yi, Li Wan
Guangzhou 510375
Tel. +86 20 8140 5370
Fax. +86 20 8140 5363
Asian Fisheries Society
The Asian Fisheries Society (AFS) is a non-profit scientific
society founded in 1984 by fishery professionals in Asia.
The society aims at promoting networking and co-operation
between scientists, technicians and all stakeholders
involved in fisheries (including aquaculture) production,
research and development in Asia.
Aquatic Products Processing and Marketing Alliance (CAPPMA)
A nation-wide, non-profit organization, which consists of
enterprises that are engaged in aquatic production,
processing, transportation and trade, including private
companies, institutions for aquatic research and teaching,
as well as social entities that provide voluntary services
for aquatic processing and circulation
Aquaculture Stewardship Council
The ASC's mission is to transform aquaculture towards
environmental sustainability and social responsibility using
efficient market mechanisms that create value across the
Fish & Seafood Suppliers in China
Chinese seafood & fish suppliers, seafood
processors, fish processors, fish processing companies,
industrial food processing equipment suppliers, wholesalers,
marine industry, aquaculture, exporters, importers and
government bodies