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Day 93 For One Night Only
Virbac-Paprec 3 previewed to finish
breakfast time Monday
MAPFRE and Renault Z.E Sailing Team look
strong podium bets
Any distraction welcome?

Just as tomorrow morning should be just part of
the reward for a job well done, so their last
night at sea together will be one to savour and
reflect for Jean-Pierre Dick
and Loïck Peyron.
In terms of the total course distance, 25,200
miles and their 93 days since leaving Barcelona,
the final 89 miles which the French duo had to
still complete at 1400hrs UTC is but the blink
of an eye, but Dick and
Peyron will enjoy a serene final night
at sea anticipating the huge release the finish
line will bring and the frenzy which inevitably
Niçoise skipper Dick has a
better idea of what awaits having enjoyed the
warm welcome from the Catalan capital which he
received in February 2008 when he won the first
edition of the race with Damian Foxall,
but for Peyron – despite dozens
of accolades and honours offshore and inshore –
it will be his first round-the-world triumph in
an ocean racing career spanning more than 30
He claimed today that one of his plans for the
final 24 hours was to sleep as much as he can,
while Dick – who has admitted
in the past that he is something of a hard
driving perfectionist who struggles to ease off
– looked much more relaxed today, knowing that
their three month marathon is all but over with
the main goal nearly completed.
“ MAPFRE is a respectable distance behind
and so I think we can say we have almost won. We
can touch victory!” smiled Dick.
After a slow passage north of the Balearics this
afternoon the duo are now expected to break the
finish line at around breakfast time Monday
For the rest of the fleet today, as much as any
recently, the imminent first place arrival might
be a catalyst for the realization that the
podium now has a certain solid shape, and
opportunities for promotion and demotion through
the rest of their race look quite low.
Boris Herrmann and Dee
Caffari, speaking on today’s live
Visio-Conference, did not acknowledge as much
but both were more focused on the release from
recent long days of tedium and the routings
which will get them finished quickest.
Herrmann even admitted that a
complex seven hour rebuild and repair to their
autopilot hydraulics had been a welcome
distraction, and Caffari said
she was looking forward to more trimming, sail
changes and manoeuvres after days of upwind
But their die are cast and their respective
achievements within reach: Caffari
and Corbella as the first woman
to complete four circumnavigations and the first
Spanish female circumnavigator and
Herrrmann and Breymaier
have really stamped their mark on this race:
with smart, fast sailing and maturity well
beyond their racing years, to highlight their
prospects for the future.
And for Renault Z.E Sailing Team,
340 miles from Gibraltar this evening and making
a direct course, their third step on the podium
is by a margin of 200 miles just now to
Estrella Damm. In the
Mediterranean – contrary to their lacklustre
departure three months ago – Rivero
and Piris are usually as
accomplished and strong as anyone duo in the
Standings of Sunday 3rd April
at 1400hrs UTC
miles to finish
2 MAPFRE + 247
miles to leader
3 RENAULT Z.E at +
799 miles to leader
Sailing Team at + 1004miles to leader
1305 miles to leader
AUDITIVOS at + 1952 miles to leader
7 HUGO BOSS at +
3127 miles to leader
CATALA at + 3972 miles to leader
+ 6441 miles to leader
ASTURIANA at + 10389 miles to leader
Jean-Pierre Dick (FRA) Virbac-Paprec
3“ We are happy to be where we
are this morning, MAPFRE is a respectable
distance behind and so I think we can say we
have almost won. We can touch victory! At the
moment we check every ten or fifteen minutes,
and the active echo and the AIS are on, we are
just looking to get through any final dangers
which might be lurking for us. We hope our luck
will hold.
I will be happy to get finished in Barcelona, to
see our family, our friends and sponsors, and of
course to see my son who will be seven months
I think we made only one mistake in Gibraltar at
the start, but that all seems a long time ago,
in the past.
We have been thinking about or race, the stops
and the successes, our little mistakes. But we
have succeeded in being ahead almost since the
Loïck and I swam around the boat. We will
probably have the same lack of wind this
afternoon. It’s like a fan ON or OFF!
The bath yesterday around the boat made us both
feel better. I am not quite as relaxed as it
looks and so that helped. And I could see that
the keel was OK and everything. And yesterday I
gave a big hug to the boat, because its done a
good job.
Gerard Marin (ESP) FMC:
“We have a tricky situation, not much wind and
it is coming in from the north. We have a bit of
a problem with the rig, it has lost some
tension, and with the computer, some electronics
problems. In fact the wind is very unstable,
shifting through 40-50 degrees from east to
west. But hopefully tomorrow the wind will be
better. We can’t really fix the rig with what we
have now, we put the reefs in three or four
knots earlier than usual and if the boat slams
and crashes a lot, we have to very careful. And
some sail combinations are difficult and could
affect the mast, the worst is downwind with the
big spinnaker, which has not been such a
problem. We still have 20 days or so to get
Dee Caffari (GBR) GAES Centros
Auditivos:“ Today we have
cracked sheets a little bit and then from
tonight it gets even better and we start
reaching and tomorrow we even point towards
Gibraltar which is going to be really good for
morale after this long stretch of going upwind.
We have been 15-20 knots of wind and we are on
the wind but that starts to shift around more
easterly and by that time we start to look more
at turning the corner as we point towards
Gibraltar, then it goes light for a patch and we
should be reaching pretty much all the way to
Madeira and then a little bit complex, a ridge
to negotiate, before we get a northerly breeze
which will hopefully take us into Gibraltar next
weekend, but that it on the long term forecast
and we cant get too excited on that.
It is much better, a few days ago we thought we
were going to be upwind all the way, we have
watched Virbac-Paprec and MAPFRE do that and we
were not looking forward to it at all. We are
really pleased not that we get a bit of an
opportunity to get a bit of a straight line to
Gibraltar, even if we have to go a little bit
round a corner to get there.
This last week has been quite monotonous and I
have not really enjoyed it. It has been crashing
to windward, very wet on deck and even though
the sun is out, you cannot really enjoy it
because everything is really salty. And we have
not had to do anything. There have been no sail
changes or anything, we have literally had the
same thing day in, day out, so we have literally
just eaten, slept, trimmed sails, and kept a
lookout. It has been a bit Groundhog Day-ish and
we are actually looking forwards to having some
manouvers to do, some sail changes, to a bit
more trimming, a bit more exciting than it has
No, there has not been time yet for any Spanish
lessons from Anna, but we have had some time to
catch up on some films. Anna’s English is
getting even better and my Spanish is still non
existent. We watched a few light hearted, low
stress films, low brain power entertainment. The
problem is that Anna’s e-book is now destroyed,
it is no longer working, and she was right in
the middle of the Millennium trilogy, which was
her books for the race. My e-book is still going
but obviously she was a bit depressed and has
taken on English films, and I have taken to
reading my books. We have done everything with
the fleet broadband, we have taken it apart, we
have disconnected it. We have tried everything
we can with no joy. The biggest issue is we have
had no weather, the weather we have had to get
through the Iridium. We are looking at very
small weather files. We have not had the beauty
of satellite pictures, or Quickscat. We were
very lucky in the Doldrums.
Boris Herrmann (GER) Neutrogena:“
We don’t have the cards in our hand to fight
towards the two boats in front, and we got a
mail this morning from Ryan’s wife saying why
don’t you guys speed up a little bit, and I
think from outside you can’t see how the boat is
compromised because the boat is slowed down
because of the keel and we don’t have a Solent,
and so that affects our tactics as we go more
upwind that normally. To crack off does not pay
off for us as much at the moment. We have
accepted this we enjoy our sailing these days
especially because we make a course very close
to the rhumb line, which is quite nice.”
“ Yesterday we spent the day sitting in the
cockpit having a relaxed conversation about what
we going to eat when arrive. Nicola, Ryan’s
wife, has said she will bring things out to the
finish on a Zodiac, so our fantasy is very
active, stimulated by the finish for
Virbac-Paprec 3 and we imagine how it will be
for ourselves, and we still trim a lot. With
less stability we have to trim a bit more. If
there a puff we have to ease the traveller
straight away. We some pilot problems and so we
spent about six or seven hours working on the
pilots. The pilots which steer the boat have
hydraulic rams. The electric motors on both rams
failed for different reasons and so we had to
take them apart and is very difficult to access
them in the back of the boat. So we took the
whole hydraulic system out and got the hydraulic
oil out of it. We put the motors back together
again and got the oil back in and the air out.
It was a bit workshop activity. And we were
happy to have it done, we knew what it was and
could see the part working again. And even at
the end of it, it was quite a welcome
distraction. A day passes quickly with this
“ My objective is to do the Vendée Globe with
an existing boat, that takes away all of the
creation of the machine and apparently Jean
Pierre had a big history and background in this
already, they did an amazing job with this team
to create and IMOCA which has been so dominant
over this race.”
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