Welcome to Sea-Ex
THAILAND - Seafood, Fishing, Marine, Diving and sooo much more! |
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(Get your web
address shown on Sea-Ex Thailand with a FREE reciprocal listing)
Free listings are
available on our Thailand site on the following conditions:
The company to be
listed is a Thai company.
You agree to provide
a reciprocal link from your site (You will place a link in your
site that points to our site).
We do not accept
offensive or defamatory sites.
We reserve the right
to decline any listing.
We reserve the right
to remove any listing.
We will only include
your listing once we have confirmed that you have a link from
your site in the format offered below.
To get your site listed
free of charge, follow the steps below:
Place the following
code on your site:
<a href="http://www.sea-ex.com/thailand/"
target="_blank"> <img border="0" src="http://www.sea-ex.com/thailand/images/thai_banner.gif" width="468"
height="60" alt="Sea-Ex.com Thailand offers Internet users free
information about activities, festivals, vehicle rental hotels
and much more in Thailand"></a>
This is what you should see:

Let us know where
you have placed our code (from Step 1 above) in the space
provided in the form below (highlighted in
Once we have
verified that our link is live on your site, we will email you
to confirm the link is live on
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fields with *
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Privacy Policy