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Photos of Australian Seafood, Fish, Crustaceans &
Cephalopods and Information on each.... |
Abalone, Blacklip |
Tuna |
Baler Shell |
Barbounia, Tiny |
Barracouta |
Barramundi |
Bass, Sea |
Batfish |
Batfish, Silver |
Blackfish |
Boarfish |
Bonito Tuna |
Bonito, Watson's Leaping |
Bream |
Bream, Butter |
Bream, Slate |
Bug, Moreton Bay
(Slipper Lobster) |
Bug, Balmain |
Butterfish |
Southern |
Carp, European |
Catfish, Blue |
Catfish, Lesser Salmon |
Cockles |
Cod, Bar |
Cod, Blue eye |
Cod, Coral Rock |
Cod, Ghost |
Cod, Maori |
Cod, Murray
Cod, Southern Rock |
Cod, Spotted |
Cod, Tomato |
Cod, Wirrah |
Cod, Yellow Spotted |
Coral Trout |
Cowanyoung |
Crab, Blue Swimmer |
Crab, Champagne |
Crab, Giant
Crab, Mud |
Crab, Spanner |
Crawfish |
Cuttlefish |
Dart Fish |
Dolphin Fish |
Dory, John |
Dory, Mirror |
Dory, Silver
Drummer, Southern |
Eel, Longfin |
Emperor, Red |
Emperor, Red Throat |
Flathead |
Flounder, Small Toothed |
Flutemouth, Rough |
Frost Fish |
Garfish |
Gemfish |
Goatfish |
Grouper |
Gurnard, Red |
Gurnard, Spotted |
Hairtail |
Hump Headed
Maori Wrasse |
Hussar |
Jackass Fish |
Jacket, Ocean |
Jacket, Sea |
Jewfish |
Jobfish, Gold Banned |
Jobfish, Rosy |
Yellowtail |
Latchet Fish |
Leatherjacket, Reef |
Ling |
Lobster - Eastern
Rock |
Lobster - Southern Rock |
Long Tom |
Luderick |
Mackeral, Jack |
Mackerel, Slimey |
Mado |
Mahi Mahi |
Mangrove Jack |
Marlin, Black |
Marlin, Blue |
Marlin, Striped |
Melon Shell |
Monkfish |
Mono |
Moon Fish |
Morwong |
Morwong, Red |
Mullet - Roe |
Mullet, Diamond Scale |
Mullet, Red |
Mullet, Sea |
Mullet, Yelloweye |
Mulloway |
Mussels Black |
Mussels Greenlip |
Nanygai |
Octopus |
Orange Roughy |
Oreo, Black |
Native |
Pacific |
Oyster, Sydney Rock |
Parrot Fish |
Parrot Fish (2) |
Perch, Ocean |
Perch, Saddle Tail Sea |
Perch, Silver |
Perch, Splendid |
Perch, Stripey Sea |
Pig Fish |
Pike |
Pineapple Fish |
Prawn, Banana |
Prawn, King |
Prawn, Red Spot |
Prawn, School |
Prawn, Tiger |
Queenfish, Needleskin |
Rainbow Runner |
Redclaw Crayfish |
Redfish |
Ribaldo |
Ribbon Fish |
Rudder Fish |
Salmon, Atlantic |
Salmon, Australian |
Scad |
Queensland |
Scallops, Tasmanian |
Scorpion Fish, Raggy |
Shark |
Shark Black Tip |
Shark, Blue |
Shark Bronze Whaler (Dusky) |
Shark, Bull |
Sharks Fins |
Shark, Gummy |
Shark, Mako |
Shark, School |
Tiger |
Whiskery Reef |
Shark, White |
Shrimp, Mantis |
Sicklefish |
Silver Biddy |
Snapper |
Snapper, Big Eye |
Snapper, Fry Pan |
Snapper, Gold Band |
Snapper, King |
Red |
Snapper, Red Tropical |
Sole |
Sole, Tongue |
Squid, Arrow |
Squirrel Fish |
Stargazer |
Stingray, Butterfly |
Stripey Sea
Perch |
Surgeonfish, Sixplate Sawtail |
Sweetlip, Slatey |
Sweetlip, Yellow |
Swordfish |
Tailor |
Tarwhine |
Pink |
Trevally, Big Eye |
Trevally, Golden |
Trevally, Silver |
Triple Tail |
Trout |
Trumpeter, Striped |
Albacore |
Tuna, Bigeye |
Tuna, Bluefin |
Tuna, Longtail |
Tuna, Skipjack |
Tuna, Striped |
Tuna, Mackerel |
Tuna, Yellowfin |
Venus Tusk Fish |
Whiting, Sand |
Whiting, School |
Wrasse |
Freshwater Crayfish |
Yellowtail |
FULL LIST of Fish &
Seafood |
Beche De Mer
(Sea Cucumber - Trepang) |
Amberfish |
Blackfish |
Black Teatfish |
Brown Sandfish |
Curryfish |
Elephants Trunks fish |
Greenfish |
Lollyfish |
Pinkfish |
Prickly Redfish |
Sandfish |
Stonefish |
Surf Redfish |
White Teatfish |
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Commercial Fishery for Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus
pelamis) | Buy, Sell Skipjack Tuna
Commercial Fishing for Skipjack Tuna:
Commercial fishing for Skipjack Tuna is generally carried out from December to March
by pole-and-line and purse seine vessels.
Yellowfin and
albacore tuna are
taken as a bycatch of both fishing methods.
The Skipjack Tuna Fishery comprises
two sub-fisheries, the Western and Eastern Skipjack Tuna Fisheries. The fishery
as a whole extends throughout the Australian Fishing Zone, including waters
surrounding Norfolk, Christmas and Cocos (Keeling) Islands. The fishery
encompasses areas of the Western Tuna and Billfish Fishery (WTBF) and the
Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery (ETBF), with an exception of an area of the
ETBF off northern Queensland.
Although skipjack tuna occurs throughout
most of the Australian Fishing Zone, the main historical fishing grounds in
Australia have been in the south east and in the Great Australian Bight.
However, with canneries now closed in both Eden and Port Lincoln, vessels are no
longer actively targeting skipjack tuna from these ports.
The Skipjack Tuna Fishery comprises two
sub-fisheries, the Western and Eastern Skipjack Tuna Fisheries. The fishery as a
whole extends throughout the Australian Fishing Zone, including waters
surrounding Norfolk, Christmas and Cocos (Keeling) Islands. The fishery
encompasses areas of the Western Tuna and Billfish Fishery (WTBF) and the
Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery (ETBF), with an exception of an area of the
ETBF off northern Queensland.
Although skipjack tuna occurs throughout
most of the Australian Fishing Zone, the main historical fishing grounds in
Australia have been in the south east and in the Great Australian Bight.
However, with canneries now closed in both Eden and Port Lincoln, vessels are no
longer actively targeting skipjack tuna from these ports.
Take of
tuna and yellowfin tuna as a by-catch is limited
to 2% of the total weight of a vessel’s seasonal skipjack tuna catch.
Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis)
French: Bonite A Ventre Raye
German: Echter Bonito
Italian: Tonnetto Striato
Spanish: Listado, Barrilete
Japanese: Katsuo
Hawaii names: Aku
Sri Lanka: Balaya
Scientific Name |
Katsuwonus pelamis |
Location |
Australia wide |
Season |
October to July |
Size |
To 20 kg |
Australian Species Code |
37 441003 |
Taste, Texture |
Mild and meaty when cooked. Medium Texture |
The principal method used to
commercially take skipjack tuna is purse seine fishing, where a large net
towed by a vessel is used to encircle surface schools of pelagic fish.
A small part of the total effort is undertaken using pole and line fishing,
where fish are captured individually using short poles with a line and baited
barbless hook or lure.
The Australian Fishing Zone is at
the edge of the range of skipjack tuna, availability of the species is highly
variable. In 2010, no vessels were active in the Skipjack Tuna Fishery. A
combined total of 3 620 kg of skipjack tuna was taken in 2010 in other
commercial Australian fisheries, primarily in the Eastern Tuna and Billfish
Source: Assessment of the
Commonwealth Skipjack Tuna Fishery -
See more
Sea-Ex Trade Seafood Industry
Exporters of Skipjack Tuna |
Importers of Skipjack Tuna |
Processors of Skipjack Tuna |
Wholesale Suppliers of Skipjack Tuna |
Agents for Skipjack Tuna

See Also:
Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) Photographs and
Catching Skipjack Tuna |
Fishing & Bait for Stripeys
Cooking Skipjack Tuna | Recipes
using Striped Tuna
Commercial Fishery for Skipjack
Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) | Buy, Sell Skipjack Tuna
Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis)
Links & Resources