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Cephalopods and Information on each.... |
Abalone, Blacklip |
Tuna |
Baler Shell |
Barbounia, Tiny |
Barracouta |
Barramundi |
Bass, Sea |
Batfish |
Batfish, Silver |
Blackfish |
Boarfish |
Bonito Tuna |
Bonito, Watson's Leaping |
Bream |
Bream, Butter |
Bream, Slate |
Bug, Moreton Bay
(Slipper Lobster) |
Bug, Balmain |
Butterfish |
Southern |
Carp, European |
Catfish, Blue |
Catfish, Lesser Salmon |
Cockles |
Cod, Bar |
Cod, Blue eye |
Cod, Coral Rock |
Cod, Ghost |
Cod, Maori |
Cod, Murray
Cod, Southern Rock |
Cod, Spotted |
Cod, Tomato |
Cod, Wirrah |
Cod, Yellow Spotted |
Coral Trout |
Cowanyoung |
Crab, Blue Swimmer |
Crab, Champagne |
Crab, Giant
Crab, Mud |
Crab, Spanner |
Crawfish |
Cuttlefish |
Dart Fish |
Dolphin Fish |
Dory, John |
Dory, Mirror |
Dory, Silver
Drummer, Southern |
Eel, Longfin |
Emperor, Red |
Emperor, Red Throat |
Flathead |
Flounder, Small Toothed |
Flutemouth, Rough |
Frost Fish |
Garfish |
Gemfish |
Goatfish |
Grouper |
Gurnard, Red |
Gurnard, Spotted |
Hairtail |
Hump Headed
Maori Wrasse |
Hussar |
Jackass Fish |
Jacket, Ocean |
Jacket, Sea |
Jewfish |
Jobfish, Gold Banned |
Jobfish, Rosy |
Yellowtail |
Latchet Fish |
Leatherjacket, Reef |
Ling |
Lobster - Eastern
Rock |
Lobster - Southern Rock |
Long Tom |
Luderick |
Mackeral, Jack |
Mackerel, Slimey |
Mado |
Mahi Mahi |
Mangrove Jack |
Marlin, Black |
Marlin, Blue |
Marlin, Striped |
Melon Shell |
Monkfish |
Mono |
Moon Fish |
Morwong |
Morwong, Red |
Mullet - Roe |
Mullet, Diamond Scale |
Mullet, Red |
Mullet, Sea |
Mullet, Yelloweye |
Mulloway |
Mussels Black |
Mussels Greenlip |
Nanygai |
Octopus |
Orange Roughy |
Oreo, Black |
Native |
Pacific |
Oyster, Sydney Rock |
Parrot Fish |
Parrot Fish (2) |
Perch, Ocean |
Perch, Saddle Tail Sea |
Perch, Silver |
Perch, Splendid |
Perch, Stripey Sea |
Pig Fish |
Pike |
Pineapple Fish |
Prawn, Banana |
Prawn, King |
Prawn, Red Spot |
Prawn, School |
Prawn, Tiger |
Queenfish, Needleskin |
Rainbow Runner |
Redclaw Crayfish |
Redfish |
Ribaldo |
Ribbon Fish |
Rudder Fish |
Salmon, Atlantic |
Salmon, Australian |
Scad |
Queensland |
Scallops, Tasmanian |
Scorpion Fish, Raggy |
Shark |
Shark Black Tip |
Shark, Blue |
Shark Bronze Whaler (Dusky) |
Shark, Bull |
Sharks Fins |
Shark, Gummy |
Shark, Mako |
Shark, School |
Tiger |
Whiskery Reef |
Shark, White |
Shrimp, Mantis |
Sicklefish |
Silver Biddy |
Snapper |
Snapper, Big Eye |
Snapper, Fry Pan |
Snapper, Gold Band |
Snapper, King |
Red |
Snapper, Red Tropical |
Sole |
Sole, Tongue |
Squid, Arrow |
Squirrel Fish |
Stargazer |
Stingray, Butterfly |
Stripey Sea
Perch |
Surgeonfish, Sixplate Sawtail |
Sweetlip, Slatey |
Sweetlip, Yellow |
Swordfish |
Tailor |
Tarwhine |
Pink |
Trevally, Big Eye |
Trevally, Golden |
Trevally, Silver |
Triple Tail |
Trout |
Trumpeter, Striped |
Albacore |
Tuna, Bigeye |
Tuna, Bluefin |
Tuna, Longtail |
Tuna, Skipjack |
Tuna, Striped |
Tuna, Mackerel |
Tuna, Yellowfin |
Venus Tusk Fish |
Whiting, Sand |
Whiting, School |
Wrasse |
Freshwater Crayfish |
Yellowtail |
FULL LIST of Fish &
Seafood |
Beche De Mer
(Sea Cucumber - Trepang) |
Amberfish |
Blackfish |
Black Teatfish |
Brown Sandfish |
Curryfish |
Elephants Trunks fish |
Greenfish |
Lollyfish |
Pinkfish |
Prickly Redfish |
Sandfish |
Stonefish |
Surf Redfish |
White Teatfish |
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Commercial Fishery information on Baler Shell
Melo amphora (northern Baler), Melo miltonis (southern baler)
Baler Shells
are generally collected by hand or by using
hand-operated shell dredges. The Bailer Shell,
produces the melo pearl in response to irritation
Commercial Fishing for Melon,
Baler or Bailer Shells:
Scientific Name |
Melo amphora (northern Baler)
Melo miltonis (southern baler) |
Location |
in Australia from the Houtman Abrolhos
Islands to South Australia and north around the Western Australian coast,
across the Northern Territory coast to Queensland |
Size |
to 40 cm in length |
Species in the genus Melo include:
Melo aethiopica Linnaeus, 1758) Crowned baler
Melo amphora, (Lightfoot, 1786) Giant baler
Melo diadema
Melo broderipii (Griffith, E. & E. Pidgeon, 1834)
Melo georginae (Griffith, E. & E. Pidgeon, 1834)
Melo melo (Lightfoot, 1786) Indian volute
Melo miltonis (Griffith, E. & E. Pidgeon, 1834) Milton's melon
or Southern bailer
Melo nautica (Lamarck, 1822)
Melo umbilicatus (Broderip in Sowerby, 1826) Heavy baler or
umbilicate melon
Commercial Fishing for Bailer Shells:
Shells are generally collected by hand or by using hand-operated
shell dredges.
The marine snail, or Bailer Shell,
produces the melo pearl in response to irritation, but without nacre. The animal
is used for food and the shells are sold for a variety of uses. Boiling ruins
the pearls, but since their prices are well known to most fishermen, the animal
is searched carefully. The Queensland Marine Specimen Shell
Collection Fishery (MSSCF) harvests from a broad range of animals from the
phylum Mollusca. These are collected by commercial and recreational fishers for
the purpose of display, collection, classification, research or sale
(domestically and internationally).
Shells are also collected by Indigenous fishers for food, artwork and tools. The
fishery area comprises all of Queensland waters within the boundary of the
Offshore Constitutional Settlement.
Specimen shell molluscs may be alive or dead at the time of collection. Other
commercial fisheries (e.g. the East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery) cannot retain
specimen shells.
Baler Shell | Melon Shell Pearl information
Melos sometimes
produce large yellow to orange coloured pearls.

Non-nacreous melo
pearls are produced by melo volutes, which are found along
coastal areas of Myanmar as well as Indonesia, Thailand,
Cambodia, and Vietnam. Occurring in a range of colors, the most
prized is the intense orange hue commonly found in a ripe
papaya. These pearls exhibit a silky flame-like structure and a
porcellaneous luster that make them very attractive

For companies and contacts of
buyers and sellers of Bailer Shells, Bailer Shells and Melon Shells see:
Exporters of Shells
Importers of Shells
Processors of Shells
Wholesale Suppliers of Shells
Seafood Agents for Shells
Exporters of Babylonia
Importers of Babylonia
Processors of Babylonia
Wholesale Suppliers of Babylonia
Seafood Agents for Babylonia
More Information on Baler Shells & Melo
Palagems Full
details about Melo Pearls |