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Fish Care - "We Fish We Care" - Fishcare is a community based volunteer program with the motto ‘We Fish, We Care’. The Victorian Fishcare Volunteer Program is developing positive relationships between recreational fisheries users and fisheries managers to achieve sustainable resource use. Fishcare volunteers provide information, distribute educational material, offer assistance to recreational fishers, collect recreational fish catch data and visit schools and angling clubs. We also assist other natural resource related programs e.g. Coastaction, and provide displays at shows and community events. Volunteers have no enforcement role whatsoever.


Native Fish Australia is a volunteer organisation that is open to anyone who cares about the well-being of Australia's native freshwater fish and the rivers, streams and other waterways that they inhabit.
NFA is funded through membership subscriptions and donations from individuals and other organisations. Whatever your interest in Australian native fish, there is a place for you in NFA.  If you like to "get your hands dirty" there is ample opportunity, if you would just like to support us by sending in your fees, you are welcome too


Whale watching is becoming one of the world's great natural experiences, and nowhere is it as enthralling as in the calm waters of Hervey Bay, Queensland. This small coastal city has become known as the Whale Watching Capital of the World, an accolade bestowed by experts and the many thousands of visitors who are overwhelmed year after year by the acrobatic displays by the humpback whales that arrive offshore in the winter months, from early August to the end of October.


The Australian Marine Conservation Society has been fighting for marine and coastal conservation for over 30 years.  It is keen to promote the development of a national approach to marine and coastal management, involving governments, industry and every sector of the community.  this is needed to ensure that all human activities are ecologically sustainable and so benefit everyone, whether they use the marine environment for recreation, education, science or to make a living.


The goal of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority [GBRMPA] is:
To provide for the protection, wise use, understanding and enjoyment of the Great Barrier Reef in perpetuity through the care and development of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.


CSIRO Marine Research - The CSIRO Division of Marine Research became fully operational on 1st February 1997. The Division, created from the merging of the Divisions of Fisheries and Oceanography, brought together the scientific expertise and energies of CSIRO's oceanographic, marine environmental and biological research effort. Marine Laboratories are located in Hobart, Tasmania, at Marmion, Perth in Western Australia, and at Cleveland near Brisbane, Queensland.


Reef Education Network - The Reef Education Network will help you unlock some of the mysteries of the watery wonderlands we know as reefs.


New South Wales Fisheries




All Five Oceans is a website about geography, economy and other facts about the oceans and seas of our world. It wants to make people aware about the beauty of the oceans and its inhabitants. We strive to make sharks, whales, crabs, jellyfishes, octopuses and other sea creatures into popular stars.


sea foods Information about Deep sea fishes, Animals, Explorations, Foods, Creatures, Games, Underwater explorations, Deep sea research, adventures and news.


NOAA Fisheries Headquarters - US National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries)


NAUSICAÄ - French National Sea Experience Center, in Boulogne-sur-Mer (Northern France), is a Science Center entirely dedicated to the relationship between Mankind and the Sea. Its goal is to incite the general public to discover the sea and to love it, while raising its awareness on the need for a better management of marine resources.




Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution this is great, well worth the visit!


Since its launch in 1997 EuroTurtle has had strong links with Environmental Education. Within EuroTurtle, there are a number of curriculum-linked activities which have been designed to increase awareness about the conservation issues facing Marine Turtles whilst the conservation section of EuroTurtle provides a rich resource bank for these educational activities. The activities are interactive, on-line and cross-curricula and all have been fully tested in an educational environment. The activities are obviously 'turtle orientated', although many of the issues raised apply to most other endangered species.






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