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Fish, Seafood & Marine Animal Facts & Resources

What is a FISH?

The dictionary states:  A cold-blooded, water dwelling animal that breathes through gills, has a backbone and uses fins for propulsion.


Pacific barreleye fish, fish with transparent head
For the first time, a large Pacific barreleye fish - complete with transparent head - has been caught on film by scientists using remotely operated vehicles at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. The deep-sea fish's tubular eyes pivot under a clear dome

>>> Click Here to watch the Video



Here are some more interesting facts about FISH:

Anatomy of a Fish - Diagram of a fish showing anatomy.

Fish Terminology
See also our Australian Fish and Seafood Section.

Photo of Bull Shark Bull Shark caught in Sydney Harbour, Australia.


What is the largest & smallest fish?
The largest fish is the Whale Shark which grows to more than 15 metres in length and the Smallest fish is a freshwater goby found in the Philippine Islands that is less than 1 centimetre fully grown.
Sinarapan - The World's Smallest Commercial Fish
Listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as 'smallest food fish'


Can fish hear?
Fish have no outer ears but enclosed organs situated on either side of the head behind the eyes that respond to sound waves in the water.


How fast do fish swim?
It is estimated that the fastest fish (tuna, marlin, swordfish, mackerel) swim in excess of 50 kph, but the Sailfish and Wahoo can exceed 90 kph. The average fish would be pushed to reach 20 kph.


Do Fish Sleep?
All animals need rest or sleep, although the way most fish sleep is very different from our own.  Fish have no eye lids, therefore it is difficult for us to tell whether they are asleep or not.  Some fish do sleep soundly, a range of Parrot Fish that are found on the Great Barrier Reef can be picked up and handled by divers when asleep.   However, most other fish probably slow down, hovering or cruising in mid-water or on the surface for short periods of time.  This might explain why you can get close to a finning billfish without spooking it, and why some fast species of fish such as tuna are often found in the stomach contents of rather slow moving Tiger Sharks.

Dolphins sleep with one eye open.


Can Fish see colour?
This is an often debated question.  Some scientific studies have concluded that fish in fact do see colour.  Others that they only see black and white.  Maybe they see "colour" as shades of grey.  However, it is known that different colours of lures and fishing flies work better than other colours to attract fish.   The particular colour that is effective one day, may not necessarily be as effective on another, the conditions of light etc., have an influence on what colour is productive.


Even more interesting fish and seafood facts!

A jellyfish is 95% water and have no heart, bones or brain and no real eyes. Nerve cells help them move and react to food or danger.

Crabs have blue blood, Worms have green blood, and Starfish have clear blood.

A blue whale's tongue weighs more than an elephant.

The fish that live more than 2,500 feet below the ocean's surface don't have eyes

A group of sea jellies is called a 'smack'

A person that studies fish is called an ichthyologist.

There are around 28,000 different types of fish species.

The Climbing Perch can leave its waterhole when it dried up and walk on land to another waterhole.

A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes

A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.

It's against the law to catch fish with your bare hands in Kansas.

Most lipstick contains fish scales.

The giant squid has the largest eyes in the world.

The oldest known goldfish lived to 41 years of age. Its name was Fred.

The starfish is one of the only animals who can turn it's stomach inside-out.

Male seahorses can become pregnant. Male seahorses carry their eggs in a brood pouch below the abdomen.

Dried dolphin fish (or Mahi Mahi) skin has been used in the past to make trolling lure skirts. It's very strong, and when it gets wet again - no matter how old -
it softens up and has flash, action and smell.

Octopus appeared approx. 500 million years ago.

The colour of the mussel meat varies slightly - the girls are
pink and the boys are paler !!

Sydney Rock Oysters change sex during their lifetime. They start out as males and later change to females

What is a group of:

A group of Fish (general) is called a school, shoal, draft or nest.
A group of Bass is called a Shoal
A group of Herring is called an Army
A group of Sharks is called a Shiver
A group of Trout is called a Hover

A group of Jellyfish is called a Smack
A group of Clams and a group of Oysters is called a Bed.



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