Photographs and Information
of Fish, Corals & Other Marine Life

For the first time, a large Pacific barreleye fish -
complete with transparent head - has been caught on film by
scientists using remotely operated vehicles at the Monterey
Bay Aquarium Research Institute. The deep-sea fish's tubular
eyes pivot under a clear dome
Click Here to watch the Video

Underwater photography contest for
June 2008 in Mexico. |
The images below are from
ReefHQ Aquarium,
Townsville, Australia |
Reef HQ blue tangs
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Reef HQ carpet anemone
& clown fish
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Reef HQ soft corals
& blue green chromis
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Reef HQ Predator Tank Yongala and blacktip
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Reef HQ Seastar and child
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(From R.E.E.F.)
Photos and ID tips
Page 1 - Banded Butterflyfish, Foureye Butterflyfish,
Spotfin Butterflyfish, Queen Angelfish, French Angelfish
Page 2 - Gray Angelfish, Rock Beauty , Blue Tang, Ocean
Surgeonfish, Doctorfish
Page 3 - Bar Jack, Great Barracuda, Chub, French Grunt,
Bluestriped Grunt
Page 4 - Yellowtail Snapper, Bicolor Damselfish,
Yellowtail Damselfish, Sergeant Major, Blue Chromis
Page 5 - Brown Chromis, Harlequin Bass, Fairy Basslet,
Stoplight Parrotfish, Redband Parrotfish
Page 6 - Yellowhead Wrasse,
Bluehead Trumpetfish, Spotted Goatfish, Yellow Goatfish |
West Coast US and Canada
Page 1 - Kelp Bass, China Rockfish, Black & Yellow Rock,
Quillback Rockfish, Copper Rockfish
Page 2 - Puget Sound Rockfish, Brown Rockfish, Kelp
Rockfish, Black Rockfish, Blue Rockfish
Page 3 - Treefish, Cabezon,
Scalyhead Sculpin, Blackeye Goby, Bluebanded Goby
Page 4 - Giant Kelpfish, Island Kelpfish, Painted
Greenling, Kelp Greenling, Lingcod
Page 5 - C-O Sole, California Sheephead, Senorita, Rock
Wrasse, Blacksmith
Page 6 - Garibaldi, Black Perch, Kelp Perch, Pile Perch,
Opaleye |
Gulf of California
Page 1 - Barberfish, Threebanded
Butterfly, Cortez Angelfish, King Angelfish, Convict Tang
Page 2 - Yellowfin Surgeonfish, Yellowtail Surgeonfish,
Moorish Idol, Barred Pargo, Yellow Snapper
Page 3 - Graybar Grunt, Spottail Grunt, Wavyline Grunt,
Cortez Damselfish, Giant Damselfish
Page 4 - Scissortail Damselfish, Flag Cabrilla, Barred
Serrano, Panamic Graysby, Creole Fish
Page 5 - Azure Parrotfish, Blue-Chin Parrotfish,
Chameleon Wrasse, Rainbow Wrasse, Mexican Hogfish
Page 6 - Panamic Fanged Blenny,
Giant Hawkfish, Reef Cornetfish, Spott. Sharpnose Puffer,
Yellowtailed Goatfish |
Page 1 - Fourspot Butterflyfish,
Racoon Butterflyfish, Ornate Butterflyfish, Multiband
Butterflyfish, Forcepsfish
Page 2 - Potter's Angelfish, Goldring Surgeonfish,
Yellow Tang, Brown Surgeonfish, Convict Surgeonfish
Page 3 - Moorish Idol, Bluestriped Snapper, Bigeye
Emperor, Hawaiian Sergeant, Hawaiian Dascyllus
Page 4 - Peacock Grouper, Bird Wrasse, Saddle Wrasse,
Belted Wrasse, Haw. Cleaner Wrasse
Page 5 - Palenose Parrotfish,
Bullethead Parrotfish, Scarface Blenny, Arc-eye Hawkfish,
Page 6 - Spotted Boxfish, Haw.Whitespotted Toby,
Pinktail Durgeon, Manybar Goatfish, Green Sea Turtle |
Pacific Northwest - Invertebrates
Page 1 - Candy Stripe Shrimp, Coonstripe Shrimp,
Dungeness Crab, Giant Barnacle, Green Crab |
Page 2 - Northern Kelp Crab, Red Rock Crab, Spot
Prawn, Lacy Bryozoan, Fish-eating Anemone |
Page 3 - Plumose Anemone, Strawberry Anemone,
Tube-dwelling Anemone, White-spotted Anemone, Moon Jelly |
Page 4 - Sea Blubber , Orange Cup Coral , Orange Sea
Pen, Pink Hydrocoral , California Sea Cucumber |
Page 5 - Orange Sea Cucumber, Leather Star, Spiny
Pink Star, Sunflower Star, Eccentric Sand Dollar |
Page 6 - Green Sea Urchin, Red Sea Urchin , Giant
Nudibranch, Opalescent Nudibranch, White-lined Dirona |
Page 7 - Yellow Margin Dorid, Giant Pacific Octopus,
Leafy Hornmouth, Lewis's Moonsnail, Oregon Triton |
Page 8 - Gumboot Chiton, Northern Abalone, Rock
Scallop, Chimney Sponge, Cloud/Goblet Sponge |
Page 9 - Orange Social Ascidian , Shiny Orange
SeaSquirt, Feather Duster Worm , Fringed Tube Worm |
More Marine Photographs and Information