See Also Sea-Ex Trade Seafood Directory for
Seafood Companies in Iceland |
Orfirisey ehf
We are Icelandic salmon sellers & fish exporters of Atlantic
salmon (salmo salar) head/on gutted, processors of Atlantic salmon,
wholesale suppliers of Atlantic salmon, salmon aquaculture, farmed salmon,
salmon fillets, Atlantic cod fish (gadus morhua), cod fillet, cod
heads, cod loins, cod maw, cod roe, cod swim bladder, salmon fillet,
salmon heads, salmon belly flaps, salmon bits and pieces, salmon
backbones, salmon mince. Atlantic trout (oncorhynchus mykiss),
live king crab (paralithodes camtschaticus), dried fish maw, dried sea
cucumber (apostichopus japonicas), snow crab (chionoecetes opilio),
king crab clusters, snow crab clusters, cooked king crab legs. We
specialize in Icelandic salmon and king crab. |
Contact: Halldór Kaup |
City: Reykjavík |
Tel: +354 539 5032
Fax: - |
Skype: - |
Email: |
G. Ingason
We have exported fish mostly frozen for Iceland producers now
for nearly 30 years. Atlantic Cod loins & fillets, Atlantic
Mackerel (scomber scombrus) WR and HG and fillets and canned Cod
Liver. |
Gudmundur Ingason |
Hafnarfjordur, Stór Reykjavik |
Tel: +354-5653525
Fax: +354-5654044 |
Hviludrangar ehf
An Iceland based producer and trading company with years of
experience. Live Crab, live lobster, live sea urchins, Frozen
Sea cucumber (Cucumaria frondosa), Sea cucumber (Holothuria
tubulosa), Sea cucumber (Holothuria polii), Sea cucumber (Stichopus
tremulus), Sea cucumber (Parastichopus californicus), Sea
cucumber (Holothuria Atra), Sea cucumber (Pathallus mollis),
Rock crab (Cancer irroratus), Brown crab (Cancer pagurus), King
crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus), Snow crab (Chionoecetes
opilio), Blue mussel (Mytilus edulis), Ocean clam (Arctica
islandica), Scallops (various spp.), Whelk (Buccinum undatum),
Sea Urchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis), Coldwater
shrimp (Pandalus borealis), Tiger shrimp (Panaeus kerathurus),
Scampi (Nephrops norvegicus), Lobster (Palinurus mauritanicus),
Lobster (Homarus gammarus), Octopus (Octopus vulgaris),
Cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis), Squid (Loligo vulgaris), Cod (Gadus
morhua), Pollock/Saithe (Pollachius virens), Redfish (Sebastes
marinus/mentella), Smaller Redfish (Sebastes viviparus),
Mackerel (Scomber scombrus), Herring (Clupea harengus), Blue
whiting (Micromesistius poutassou), Ribbonfish (Trichiurus
Lepturus), Salmon (Salmo salar), Norway Pout (Trisopterus
esmarki), Common dab (Limanda limanda), Witch flounder (Glyptocephalus
cynoglossus), Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) |
Contact: Kari P. Olafsson |
Stykkisholmur |
Tel: +354 8674786
Fax: - |
IceBits Ehf
Designs and Specifications for local DIY (do-it-yourself) of equipment and
plants. We provide concepts and designs for plants & packages, apply the
equipment to conditions at the construction sites and issue drawings and
specifications for local do-it-yourself fabrication, assembly and
installation. Fishmeal plants and Refrigeration |
Contact: Ingvar Nielsson
City: Kopavogur |
Tel: 562 2524
Fax: 562 1592 |
Skype: LeanFish
IceMar ehf
We process and export fresh- & frozen Icelandic products
worldwide. Products such as: Scampi, Prawns, Atlantic cod,
Haddock, Saithe, Mackerel, Capelin, Herring, Plaice, Lemon sole,
Grey sole, Redfish, Catfish, Ling, Arctic Char etc |
Contact: Gunnar Örlygsson |
Tel: +3545543390
Fax: +3545543394 |
Merlo Seafood
Frozen and fresh seafood from Iceland. Merlo Seafood is a
premium partner in exporting seafood from Iceland. Exporting
frozen and fresh seafood to Europe, USA and Asia for the better
part of two decades. We can offer you a wide range of seafood of
an Icelandic origin, our experienced sales team can assist you
in sourcing the seafood products you need from Iceland. Feel
free to reply to this email or contact me for price and or
products inquiries. Horse Mackerel (Origin: Mauritania) and
Atlantic Mackerel (Origin: Faroe Islands) in large quantities.
Among others products of Icelandic origin in stock, ready for
international shipping; Red fish heads and body, FAS Pollock
fillets (Pollachius virens) and dried Sea cucumber (cucumaria
frondosa). Icelandic Mackerel. |
Contact: Magnús Erlingsson |
City: - |
Tel: +354
Cell: +354 8204311 |
Skype: merloseafood |
Reykofninn-Grundarfirdi ehf
We are the largest producer of sea cucumber in Iceland,
producing from over 1200 MT annually. Established in 2003 and
have been exporting to Asia since then. Please contact us for
further information about our products. |
Contact: Kari P. Olafsson |
Grundarfirdi |
Tel: (354) 438 1721
Fax: - |
Skype: -
Silver Fox
We produce Icelandic canned cod liver, Icelandic dry sea
cucumbers skins and frozen red sea cucumber meat |
Kristjan F. Olgeirsson |
Reykjanesbae |
Tel: +3545511888
Fax: +3545511118 |
icpehf |
Stava Grading
We have been manufacturing STAVA fish grading machines for the fishing
industry since 1960. We also manufacture feeders, conveyors and other
accessories to use with our graders. Feeders/Hoppers, fish graders, live
fish graders, large fish graders, fish conveyors, fish grading systems |
Contact: - |
City: Reykjavik |
Tel: 894 3095
Fax: 566 6925 |
Skype: -