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Sea-Ex > Commercial Fishing > Seafood Industry Contacts by Country > Chile
Siam Canadian: Frozen seafood suppliers, exporters - Quality distributors of a wide range of seafood worldwide. shrimp, fish, cephalopods, tilapia, pangasius, rohu Exporters of Frozen Lobster Tails & Whole Spiny Lobster (Panulirus Argus) directly from our FDA Certified & HACCP Approved plant in the Dominican Republic. We can custom pack. From our Indonesian partners, we can now offer: Pasteurized Crab Meat, Red Snapper & Malabar Snapper, Grouper, Octopus Ball Type, Squid: Tubes & Tentacles, Rings & Tentacles, Mahi Mahi Fillets Skinless, Portion Cut, CO2 Treated. Indian VANNAMEI Shrimp: Raw Headless, Shell On, Peeled & Deveined, PUD, IQF & Blocks, Raw & Pre Cooked, Head On.

Commercial Fishing & Seafood Industry Contacts - Chile A - L



See Also Sea-Ex Trade Seafood Directory for Seafood Companies in Chile

Alacalufe Trading Chile
Exporters and wholesalers of fresh and frozen Chilean Sea Bass, Merluza Austral, Congrio Dorado, Mantarraya, Loco, Centolla, Pulpo, Albacora
Contact: Andres Miranda Cueto
City: Santiago
Tel: 22 233 766  Fax: -
Skype: alacalufetrading1
Email: Email Alacalufe Trading Chile
Anzuelo Dorado
Anzuelo Dorado presente desde 1982 en el negocio del seafood pescamos ,procesamos y vendemos nuestros productos: calamar pomfret,merluza gayi.huevas de merluza,erizos vendemos salmon atlantico ,trucha salmonada,salmon coho bonito,pez espada.mejillones,merluza austral calamar gigante,machas,erizos.  Fishermen, processors and exporters of giant squid, black pomfret, merluza gayi, southern hake, Atlantic salmon, salmon trout, coho salmon, bonito, swordfish, mussels
Contact: Julio
City: Santiago, RM
Tel: +56-9-66123123  Fax: -
Skype: anzdor
Email: Email Anzuelo Dorado
Aqualex Chile EIRL.
Our company is dedicated to process seafood in HGT, fillet, frozen whole. Our vast experience in the business for 3 years, has led us to provide good products and export them to various international markets. We Fisheries Engineering controls that guarantee quality of all the goods we ship, giving peace of mind that are fresh, and processed with high health. Mackerel (Scomber japonicus), Horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus), Austral Hake (Merluccius australis), Gayi Hake (Merluccius gayi), Hoki (Macruronus magellanicus), Pomfret (Brama australis), Conger Dorado (cusk eel), Salmon Salar
Contact: Valery Garcia Holuigue
City: Puerto Montt
Tel: 65 540 211  Fax: 65 540 201
Skype: vgarciaho
Email: Email Aqualex Chile EIRL
Austral Patagonian Foods
We are processors and exporters of Frozen Atlantic Salmon & Trout, we produce the following products: Head On (HON), Head Off (HG), Filets, Portions, Steaks and Cold Smoked (Sliced and Whole)
Contact: Alex Arenas
Tel: +56 9 9824 0593
Skype:  alexarenas.chile
Email: Email Austral Patagonian Foods
Chile Seafoods Comercial SpA
Producers, Processors, Exporters, Importers and Wholesalers of Sea Urchin, Atlantic Salmon, Salmon Trout, Pacific Salmon, Sea Bass, Whiting Antarctic Queen, King Clip, Chilean Abalone, King Crab, Snow Crab, Stone Crab, Scallops, Mussel.
Tel: +56 65 257 830 
+56 65 250 693
Skype:  marandah
Email: Email Chile Seafoods Comercial SpA
Chile Tradesolutions Ltda
We are a Chilean Seafood processor located in Valparaiso, CHILE and one of the main processors of Salmon, Giant Squid, Swordfish, Merluza as well as locos, Southern Merluccius, Mackerel, Mussels, and Trout, etc.
Contact: Jimmy Mourra
City: Santiago
Tel: 305 343 7485  Fax: -
Skype: -
Email: Email Chile Tradesolutions Ltda
Chilean Source
Chilean Source is a company based on their vast knowledge of more than ten years of exporting salmon have successfully expanded their business area to wide variety of seafood. Our company specializes in exporting Chilean seafood products. We are dedicated to provide a wide variety of high quality products carefully selected from the best aquiculture and fisheries throughout the country. Our main products are: Salmon, Trout, mussels, Giant Squid, Octopus Vulgaris, .....
Contact: Rodrigo Jeria P.
City: Santiago
Tel: +56 2 475 6856  Fax: -
Skype: rodrigo.jeria.p
Email: Email Chilean Source
CHPL Seafood Holding
We are producers and exporters of giant squid (dosidicus gigas) from Valparaiso, Chile. We have many years of experience in this field, exporting to many countries throughout the world. We are always looking for new customers willing to work together for long time.
Contact: Fernando Ferreira
City: Valparaiso
Tel: +55(48)991487884  Fax: -
Skype: ferreira.chpl
We are seafood trader located in south of Chile. We work with first class packers which allows us to offer a wide range of frozen seafood. Our work includes to follow production progress and so guarantee quality and shipment on time. Atlantic Salmon, Coho Salmon, Salmon Trout, Southern Hake, Smelt, Giant Squid, Mussel, Loco, Octopus
Contact: Mr Carlos Morel
City: Puerto Montt
Tel: +56 99 312 6577 
Skype: cmrseafood
Comercial B & B Asociados Ltda.
We are company to supplier seafoods products to export. The products are; Mitylus Chilenchis, Concholepas-concholepas, Sardines, Jurel, Tawera Gayi, Clams, Sea cucumber, Sea urchin, etc..
Contact: Eduardo Becker
City: Puerto Montt
Tel: 099 342 8814   Fax: -
Skype: edo-becker
Email: Email Comercial B & B Asociados Ltda
Comercial Pato's Ltda
Own culture sites and processing plant is producing mussels since 1999. IQF cooked mussels (mitylus chilensis)sizes 100-200,150-200,200-300/kg. bulk carton packed in 10 kg. master carton with a blue plastic inner bag.Glaze:10% non compensated.
Contact: Patricio Fuentes
City: Santiago
Tel: +56-2-22280548 
Skype: -
Email: Email Comercial Pato's Ltda
Conservera Sacramento
Exporters and Processors of canned and frozen seafood. We have our own mussels farmer. Mussels (mytilus chilensis), Tumbao (Semele solida), Canned mussels (mytilus chilensis), Limpets (Fisurella spp), Pacific Clams (Gari solida), Razor Clams (Tagelus dombeii), Pacific Crab (Cancer edwardsi), Pink Clams (Mesodesma donacium)
Contact: Angel Vargas
City: Calbuco
Tel: 65 334 007  Fax: -
Skype: -
Email: Email Conservera Sacramento
Discom International Ltda.
Broker - Representante de Companias de Chile, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, China, Tailandia, etc. de Conservas de Pescados, frutas, verduras.etc. Exportamos a EE UU, Europa, y Africa. Exportadores de Jurel, Merluza, Jibia de Chile.
Contact: Ricardo Martinez Navia
City: Santiago
Tel: 22 239 812  Fax: 22 239 812
Skype: ricardo.martinez.navia1
Email: Email Discom International Ltda
Eagle Food
Producers, processors, exporters, wholesale suppliers and buyers agents of frozen Giant Squid, Horse Mackerel, Hake, Breaded Hake, Hoki, Salmon, Trout, Silver smelt, Pacific Pomfret
Contact: Claudio Durán
City: Concepcion
Tel: +56991586009   Fax: -
Skype: -
Email: Email Eagle Food
Frigomanzo Ltda
The company imports frozen products: king crabs, fish (hake, king clip, etc.). We are looking for business partners.
Contact: Svetlana Ivanova
City: -
Tel: -   Fax: -
Skype: ectasy-light
Email: Email Frigomanzo Ltda
Frisko Seafoods Ltda
A seafood processing plant in Santiago. We produce in our factory giant squid ( fillets, tentacles, necks and wings) , swordfish, patagonian Toothfish, hake and Tuna. We export them fresh and frozen to the whole world.
Contact: Juan Carlos Castilla
City: La Pintana, Santiago
Tel: +56 2 22070445   Fax: -
Skype: friskoseafoods
Email: Email Frisko Seafoods Ltda
Goingroup SpA
Agents, processors, exporters, wholesalers of salmon, sardine, mackerel, croaker, reineta, hake, tuna, conger, pacalao, lobster, cholgas, mussels, matsha, crab, oysters, king crab, abalone and giant squid.
Tel: +56 9 78970034  Fax: -
Email: Email Goingroup SpA
Health Seafood
Exporters, Processors, Wholesalers and Retailers of seafood products.
Contact: Rodrigo Guzman
City: Puerto Varas
Tel: 65 234 140  Fax: 65 234 141
Skype: -
Email: Email Health Seafood
Illihue Seafoods
Illihue Seafood is a Chilean trading company. With more than 25 years in the salmon farming industry we began this new business. We guaranty quality and mutual benefits. We want to be your six senses in Chile with an exclusive relationship. We supply Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) (head on, head of, portions, fillets), Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (H/G Fillets), Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) (H/G, fillets)
Contact: Daniel Contreras Walker
City: Puerto Montt, Los Lagos
Tel:   +56 9 98284033
Fax:  -
Skype: danielcontreraswalker
Email: Email Illihue Seafoods

Seafood Industry Companies in Chile [ A - L ]   [ M - Z ]

Government Contacts & Information Resources for
Commercial Fishing, Seafood, Aquaculture, Marine & Oceans in Chile

Fishery and Aquaculture Country Profile for Chile - aquatic species caught by country or area, by species items, by FAO major fishing areas, and year, for all commercial, industrial, recreational and subsistence purposes. The harvest from mariculture, aquaculture and other kinds of fish farming is also included.


Chilean Seafood Exchange - A producer sponsored clearinghouse for quality assured fresh frozen seafood from three continents.


Salmon Chile - SalmonChile es la Asociación de la Industria del Salmón de Chile A.G., agrupación que reúne a las principales empresas productoras y proveedoras de la industria salmonicultora de Chile. Fue creada el 23 de agosto de 1986, con el fin de representar y aunar los esfuerzos del sector en diversos ámbitos, tales como el legal, técnico, de investigación, medioambiental y desarrollo de mercados. Association of Salmon Producers in Chile.


National Fisheries Service - Servicio Nacional de Pescat Portada.


Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)
Coho Salmon (Oncorhyichus kisutch)
Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Chilean Seabass (Dissostichus eleginoides)
Southern King Crab (Lithodes antarticus)
Horse Mackerel (Trachurus Murphyi)
Mackerel (Scomber japonicus)
Sardines (Sardinops sagax)
Golden King Clip (Ginopterus blacodes)
Hoki (Macruronus magellanicus)
Antarctic Queen (Merluza austral)
Gayi Hake (Merluccius gayi)
Alfonsino (Beryx splendens)
Orange Roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus)
Silver Warehou (Seriolella caerulea)
Blue Warehou (Seriolella punctata)
Cardinal Fish (Epigonus crassicaudus)
Pomfret (Brama australis)
Elephant Fish (callorhynchus)
Smelt (Odontesthes regia)
Scallops (Agropecten purpuratus )
Sea Urchin (Loxechinus albus)
Squid (Loligo gahi)
Giant Squid
Skare (Raja sp.)
Pacific Clams
Sea Asparagus
Mussel (Mytilus chilensis)
White Shrimp (Panaeus vannamei)
Sea Cucumber
Anillas, Filetes - Block - Tentáculos
Bacalao de Profundidad
Sardina Anchoveta
Manto Block - Manto - Cubos
Camarones I.Q.F.
Mejillones I.Q.F.


International Salmon Farmers Association - Aquaculture, or fish farming is centuries old. Salmon farming began in Norway approximately 40 years ago but it has become an economic driver and social mainstay of coastal and rural communities all over the world – in countries like Canada, the United States, Chile, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, Ireland and the Faroe Islands. Salmon farming currently employs thousands of people, generates billions of dollars into local economies and provides leadership and training opportunities for young people so that they can work and raise families in their home communities. Farmed salmon has also become a staple part of a healthy, nutritious and affordable diet for people of all ages.


International Association of Fish Inspectors - Fish, seafood and associated products that are safe, of acceptable quality and readily available for sale in the world's marketplaces. The International Association of Fish Inspectors (IAFI) is a new and growing organization serving the world fish inspection community. As stated in our Charter, IAFI exists to promote the exchange of ideas and information, foster interaction, understanding and professional collaboration among individuals, organizations, and governments, disseminate knowledge about fish, seafood, and associated products inspection, and promote advancement of the state-of-the-art in fish inspection research and education.

AQUASTAT is FAO's global information system on water and agriculture developed by the Land and Water Division. It collects, analyses and disseminates data and information by country and by region. Its aim is to provide users interested in global, regional and national analyses with comprehensive information related to water resources and agricultural water management across the world, with emphasis on countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Information for Chile


Ocean Health Index Chile - The Ocean Health Index is a valuable tool for the ongoing assessment of ocean health. By providing a means to advance comprehensive ocean policy and compare future progress, the Index can inform decisions about how to use or protect marine ecosystems. The Index is a collaborative effort, made possible through contributions from more than 65 scientists/ocean experts and partnerships between organizations including the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Sea Around Us, Conservation International, National Geographic, and the New England Aquarium. Information for Chile




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