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Contacts by Country > Portugal |
Commercial Fishing & Seafood Industry Contacts - Portugal |
See Also Sea-Ex Trade Seafood Directory for Seafood Companies in Portugal |
- Association of national
organisations of fishing enterprises in the European Union.
European Commission - Fisheries - The Common Fisheries
Policy (CFP) is the European Union's instrument for the management
of fisheries and aquaculture. It was created to manage a common
resource and to meet the obligation set in the original Treaties of
the then European Community. Because fish are a natural and mobile
resource they are considered as common property. In addition, the
Treaties which created the Community stated that there should be a
common policy in this area, that is, common rules adopted at EU
level and implemented in all Member States.
European Association of Fish Producers’ Organisations (EAPO)
- European Association of Fish Producers Organisations
Fishery and Aquaculture Country Profile for Portugal
- aquatic species caught by country or area, by species items, by
FAO major fishing areas, and year, for all commercial, industrial,
recreational and subsistence purposes. The harvest from mariculture,
aquaculture and other kinds of fish farming is also included.
Ministry of
Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries
Federation of
European Aquaculture Producers - The Federation of European
Aquaculture Producers (FEAP) is an international organisation that
is composed of the National Aquaculture Associations of European
countries. The basic aims of the Federation are: * to develop and
establish a common policy on questions relating to the production
and the commercialisation of aquaculture species are reared
professionally. * to make known to the appropriate authorities the
common policies envisaged above.
Ocean Health Index Portugal - The Ocean Health Index is a valuable tool for the
ongoing assessment of ocean health. By providing a means to advance
comprehensive ocean policy and compare future progress, the Index
can inform decisions about how to use or protect marine ecosystems.
The Index is a collaborative effort, made possible through
contributions from more than 65 scientists/ocean experts and
partnerships between organizations including the National Center for
Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Sea Around Us, Conservation
International, National Geographic, and the New England Aquarium.
Information for Portugal
Government Contacts &
Information Resources for
Commercial Fishing, Seafood, Aquaculture, Marine &
Oceans in Portugal
- 2025 Sea-Ex
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