See Also Sea-Ex Trade Seafood Directory for
Seafood Companies in New Zealand |
Marine Foods Ltd (New Zealand)
Marine Foods is an enterprising seafood specialist firm, located in
one of New Zealand's key fishing ports, Tauranga. Marine Foods has extensive
knowledge in fish markets around the globe, from Europe to Asia and North
America to Africa. Although New Zealand is our main source for seafood, we
also supply various fish species from localities around the world including
The Indian Ocean, Japan, Australia and other South Pacific regions. |
Contact: Richard Clarke |
City: Tauranga |
Tel: 7 579 4002
Fax: 7 579 4003 |
Skype: -
Bell Global
Bell Global Ltd exports premium seafood products. Contact
us now to find out how our wealth of seafood knowledge and
experience can help your business. The species we can offer are:
alfonsino, barracouta, cardinal fish, smooth oreo dory, black
oreo dory, blue cod, blue mackerel, jack mackerel, horse
mackerel, silver warehou, blue warehou, southern blue whiting,
rays bream, red bait fish, red pearl fish, red cod, john dory,
mirror dory, frostfish, NZ Greenshell mussels, gemfish,
monkfish, stargazer, groper, gurnard, hake, hoki, kahawai,
salmon, ling, sole, orange roughy, sea perch, snapper, ribaldo,
ruby fish, tarakihi (ocean bream), trevally, turbot, arrow
squid, squid, pacific oysters, bluff oysters, oysters, paua,
abalone, scallop, lobster, scampi, sea urchin (kina). |
Contact: Glenn McGill |
City: Auckland |
Tel: +64 9 815 3835 |
Fax: +64 27 467 4775 |
Skype: glennmcgill |
Abalone Divers of New Zealand Company Limited
Exporters and Marketers of New Zealand Abalone Paua Meat - Haliotis Iris. |
Contact: Trevor Shaw |
City: Mosgiel 9024 |
Tel: 34 890 092
Fax: 34 890 093 |
Skype: - |
Aqui-S New Zealand Ltd
AQUI-S New Zealand Ltd enhances the quality and value of fish produced in
the aquaculture and fishing industries with humane and cost effective
products and services providing you with a high return on your investment.
Produced in New Zealand, AQUI-S® is an aquatic anaesthetic that has been
developed to give flexibility and control in animal husbandry, transporting
and harvesting operations. The ingredients are approved for use in foods and
AQUI-S® is safe for use in food and aquarium fish. Fish that are harvested
using AQUI-S have improved flesh quality, yield and shelf life. The use of
AQUI-S during the transportation of live fish and during health management
practices lowers stress and reduces mortalities. |
Contact: Nic Paton |
City: Wellington |
Tel: 4 587 0389
Fax: 4 587 0388 |
Skype: -
Bell Global
Bell Global Ltd exports premium seafood products. Contact
us now to find out how our wealth of seafood knowledge and
experience can help your business. The species we can offer are:
alfonsino, barracouta, cardinal fish, smooth oreo dory, black
oreo dory, blue cod, blue mackerel, jack mackerel, horse
mackerel, silver warehou, blue warehou, southern blue whiting,
rays bream, red bait fish, red pearl fish, red cod, john dory,
mirror dory, frostfish, NZ Greenshell mussels, gemfish,
monkfish, stargazer, groper, gurnard, hake, hoki, kahawai,
salmon, ling, sole, orange roughy, sea perch, snapper, ribaldo,
ruby fish, tarakihi (ocean bream), trevally, turbot, arrow
squid, squid, pacific oysters, bluff oysters, oysters, paua,
abalone, scallop, lobster, scampi, sea urchin (kina). |
Contact: Glenn McGill |
City: Auckland |
Tel: +64 9 815 3835 |
Fax: +64 27 467 4775 |
Skype: glennmcgill |
Black Marlin Ltd
Professional fishermen. |
Contact: Mike |
City: Christchurch |
Tel: -
Fax: - |
Skype: mikegrin
Canterbury Seafoods
Specializing in supplying high quality, high value, fresh &
frozen seafood locally & internationally. Black Flounder (Rhombosolea
retiaria), Bluenose (Hyperoglyphe antarctica), Blue Cod (Parapercis
colias), Blue Moki (Latridopsis ciliaris), Blue Warehou (Serolella
brama), Elephant fish (Callorhinchus milii), Ghost Shark (Hydrolagus
bemisi), Gurnard (Chelidonichthys kumu), Groper - Hapuku (Polyprion
oxygeneios), Ling (Genypterus blacodes), New Zealand Sole (Peltorhamphus
novaezeelandiae), Octopus (Octopus maorum), Sea Perch (Helicolenus
barathri), School Shark (Galeorhinus galaeus), Red Cod (Pseudophycis
Bachus), Rig (Mustelus lenticulatus), Sand Flounder (Rhombosolea
plebia), Skate Wings (Dipturus innominatus), Stargazer (Kathetostoma
giganteum), Squid (Nototodorus Sloanii), Tarakihi (Nemadactylus
macropterus), Trumpeter (Latris lineata), Yellow Belly Flounder
(Rhombosolea leporina) |
Contact: Isaac Box |
City: Christchurch |
Tel: +64 3 3484 2800
Fax: - |
Skype: -
Crystal Bay Foods
(NZ) Limited
Could someone please contact me regarding the possibility of
importing Alaskan King crab legs to New Zealand |
Contact: Debbie Bryant |
City: Auckland |
Tel: 09 276 5853
Fax: 09 276 5854 |
Skype: -
DE-BUG Diesel Solutions
DE-BUG Clean Fuel Units stop diesel & Bio-diesel breaking down into harmful
diesel bug or bio-contamination in your fuel tank. This contamination can
cause excess exhaust smoke, blocked fuel filters, increased fuel
consumption, poor performance, harmful byproduct acids and of course serious
engine breakdowns.
DE-BUG units are patented and have been tried and tested on ships, emergency
generators, trucks, locomotives the world over to treat and cure diesel bug.
Contact: Jon Drumm |
City: Christchurch, South Island |
Tel: 212 232 781
Fax: - |
Skype: -
Highford Marketing Group Limited.
Supplier of a full range of seafood products from New Zealand:
Barracouta; Block, Fillet; Block, Minced; Bluenose; Brill;
Cardinal Fish; Clams; Coated Products; Cockles; Cod, Blue; Cod,
Red; Dory, Elephant Fish; Fish Fingers; Fish Maw; Fish Oil;
Fishbait / Burley; Flatfish; Flounder; Frostfish; Garfish;
Gemfish; Ghost Shark; Greenshell Mussels, Hake; Hoki; Kahawai;
Kingfish; Leatherjacket; Lemon Fish; Ling; Ling Bladder;
Mackerel, Monkfish; Mullet Mussel; Abalone; Pilchard; Pipi;
Ribaldo; Ribbonfish; Rig; Rock Lobster; Roe; Ruby Fish; Salmon;
Scallop; Scallops, Queen; Scampi; Shark; Skate; Smoked Products;
Snapper; Sole, Southern Blue Whiting; Spiny Dogfish; Squid; Surf
Clams; Surimi, Southern Blue Whiting; Tarakihi; Toothfish,
Antarctic; Trevally; Tuna; Turbot; Warehou, Scampi |
Contact: Richard Mulvey |
City: Christchurch |
Tel: +64 3 343 2255
Fax: +64 3 343 2266 |
richard.mulveynz |
Huka Prawn Park
We are wanting to buy approx 12 tonne of Whole Fresh Water Prawn
30/40 count. Can we buy direct from you & import to New Zealand
? We are an established business of 20 years & are looking for a
long term provider of whole 30/40 Fresh Water Prawns. |
Contact: Richard Klein |
City: Taupo |
Tel: -
Fax: - |
Skype: -
Broking sale and purchase, chartering, new building vessels facilitation |
Contact: John gregovich |
City: Auckland |
Tel: 98 278 488
Fax: - |
Skype: johnimmco
Kaipara Oysters
With an abundance of marine life, the untouched, nutrient-rich waters of the
Kaipara Harbour, located in the sparsely populated northwest region of New
Zealand's North Island, offered the ideal location to fulfil our family's
ambition of creating the world's most sustainable oyster farm. Kaipara
Oysters have combined unprecedented aquaculture techniques and exemplary
farm and water management principals to establish what we believe will
become the new benchmark for sustainable aquaculture production. Kaipara
Oysters are carefully hand-selected and presented on the half shell
ready-to-eat for your convenience and enjoyment. With a large, deep-cupped
shell, our New Zealand oysters have an aroma and flavour that encapsulates
the pristine Kaipara Harbour waters: the smell of fresh ocean spray
accompanied by a creamy-textured meat that has notes of citrus and a fresh
cucumber finish. |
Contact: Paul Cummings |
City: Kaipara |
Tel: 94 249 022
Fax: - |
Skype: - |
Kaiwaka Clothing Co.
Kaiwaka Clothing Co has been operating for over 35 years in New
Zealand, manufacturing a range of Wet Weather Clothing for the
Commercial Fishing Industries. We have distribution locations
all over the world and if you want a specific garment to view,
give us a call and we'll send it straight to you. The products
we manufacture are wet weather garments, protective safety
clothing as Trouser, Bib-over Trouser, Jackets, Thermal Wear -
Deck Hand Wear, Fish Processing Wear. Brand Names: Aquaseal,
Tufflon, AquaForce, StormForce Blue, StormForce Orange & Food
Grade PVC |
Contact: Royden Stewart |
City: Kaiwaka, Northland |
Tel: +6494312187
Fax: +6494312375 |
Skype: - |
Email: |
L&B Taspac
In 1995 L&B Exports acquired Taspac International Seafoods to form L&B
Taspac. Taspac added over 35 years of experience in the Seafood Industry and
L&B Taspac quickly developed its current position as a leading player in the
New Zealand Seafood Industry. Additional acquisitions have allowed L&B
Taspac to further expand its species offerings. Additional to Lobster these
now include our own Farmed Greenshell Mussels, Fresh Water Eels, Oysters,
Sea Frozen products such as Squid, Ling, Barracouta, Southern Blue Whiting,
Hoki, Warehou, Hake, Mackerel and a range of Deepwater and Inshore species
in Whole, HGT, DRE and Filleted forms. |
Contact: Mark Lyford |
City: Auckland |
Tel: +64 9 573 2625 |
Fax: +64 9 573 2620 |
Skype: mlyford |
Levin Eel Trading Co Ltd
We are a family owned freshwater (wild/natural) eel processing and export
business. We export our eels live, frozen and fresh chilled to markets
around the world. The frozen and fresh chilled products we produce are eel
segments/ eel fillets and whole gutted eel. Established in 1978 in Levin,
New Zealand. To achieve the highest quality all eels are manually processed.
Freshwater (Wild) Eel - Anguilla australis & Anguilla dieffenbachii, Spiny
Dogfish - Squalus acanthias, and other Fish on request. |
Contact: Erik Kuijten |
City: Levin |
Tel: +64 21 147 9473 |
Fax: - |
Skype: - |
Marine Foods Ltd (New Zealand)
Marine Foods is an enterprising seafood specialist firm, located in
one of New Zealand's key fishing ports, Tauranga. Marine Foods has extensive
knowledge in fish markets around the globe, from Europe to Asia and North
America to Africa. Although New Zealand is our main source for seafood, we
also supply various fish species from localities around the world including
The Indian Ocean, Japan, Australia and other South Pacific regions. |
Contact: Richard Clarke |
City: Tauranga |
Tel: 7 579 4002
Fax: 7 579 4003 |
Skype: -
Maritime International Ltd
Sale & purchase of commercial vessels including fishing, work, aquaculture,
oil/mining, passenger. 20 years in business. 2 offices in New Zealand.
Agents world wide. |
Contact: Godfrey Wilson |
City: Wellington |
Tel: 4 478 7989
Fax: 4 478 2352 |
Skype: godfreywilson
NZ Sparkling Seas
Exporters and wholesale suppliers of Green Shell Mussels from
New Zealand. Available 1 kg box, Bulk packed 14 kg master carton
or our new 2 Shell fully blanched. |
Contact: Stewart Fox |
City: Auckland |
Tel: +6492735070
Fax: +6492735070 |
Skype: -
Ocean-MC NZ Ltd
We are the Owners of the fishing trawler more then 7 years. Now , we'll have
for sale the following fish : jack mackerel, herrings, squid etc |
Contact: Igor Mitskevitch |
City: Christchurch |
Tel: 3 366 5772
Fax: 3 366 5772
Skype: -
Omega Seafood produce gourmet vacuum packed long life New
Zealand Green Lipped Mussels and Clams. Cooked gourmet
product. Ready to heat and eat. Omega 500g Mussels, Omega 1kg
Greenshell Mussels, Omega 1kg Littleneck Clams. Taking what
nature has given us, our primary aim is to create all
natural, lightly cooked shellfish which can be eaten
straight from the pack or used anywhere live would normally be
used. We take nature and make it safer and more convenient!
Without additives and full of innate flavour, our mussels and
clams provide the presentation and preparation options of fresh
shellfish, without the time, wastage and food safety concerns.
Our products enjoy a 12 month chilled shelf life chilled
(mussels keep 24 months frozen). Note that Omega Seafood
Mussels and Clams come from sustainably managed brood
stocks. |
Contact: Lizzie Redwood |
City: Blenheim |
Tel: +64 3
Cell: 0273780250 |
Skype: - |
Email: |
Sealord Group.
Sealord is a global seafood enterprise with a world-wide fishing, processing
and marketing network. For information about the Sealord products available
in your region plus recipes and regional contact details please contact us.
Sealord is jointly owned by the Maori people of New Zealand and Japanese
seafood company Nippon Suisan Kaisha (Nissui). We are the only seafood
company in New Zealand to have ISO 9001 certification across the whole
company from fishing to processing. ISO 9001 is a system which focuses on
control through sound quality processes. All our processing plants, whether
in New Zealand or overseas, also have verified Hazard Analysis Critical
Control Points (HACCP) plans in place. HACCP focuses on getting the
important things right, such as key food safety issues. |
Contact: Nelson |
City: - |
Tel: 35 478 908
Fax: - |
Skype: -
Activities : Chartering and sale /purchase of refrigerated and fishing
vessels . |
Contact: Mohamed Tantawi |
City: Auckland |
Tel: 94 430 309
Fax: 27 668 9156 |
Skype: -