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Sea-Ex > Commercial Fishing > Seafood Industry Contacts by Country > Estonia
Siam Canadian: Frozen seafood suppliers, exporters - Quality distributors of a wide range of seafood worldwide. shrimp, fish, cephalopods, tilapia, pangasius, rohu Exporters of Frozen Lobster Tails & Whole Spiny Lobster (Panulirus Argus) directly from our FDA Certified & HACCP Approved plant in the Dominican Republic. We can custom pack. From our Indonesian partners, we can now offer: Pasteurized Crab Meat, Red Snapper & Malabar Snapper, Grouper, Octopus Ball Type, Squid: Tubes & Tentacles, Rings & Tentacles, Mahi Mahi Fillets Skinless, Portion Cut, CO2 Treated. Indian VANNAMEI Shrimp: Raw Headless, Shell On, Peeled & Deveined, PUD, IQF & Blocks, Raw & Pre Cooked, Head On.

Commercial Fishing & Seafood Industry Contacts - Estonia

See Also Sea-Ex Trade Seafood Directory for Seafood Companies in Estonia

Aldena Shipping OU
Contact: Aleksandr
City: Tallinn
Tel: 681 0866  Fax: 681 0867
Skype: aldena.shipping
Email: Email Aldena Shipping OU
Alfa Fish
Main sphere of the business is supplying fish processing factories and large wholesale distributors with Baltic fish, Salmon (belly flaps, backbones) and seafood products. Baltic Sprat, Baltic Herring, Herring (Atlantic, Pacific), Mackerel (scomber scombrus, scomber colias), pike perch fillets.
Contact: Ilya Vaganov
City: Tallinn
Tel: + 372 555 47159  Fax: -
Skype: vaganov1992
Email: Email Alfa Fish
Baltrecord Ou
Producers, processors, wholesalers and exporters. Our company can offer: Frozen baltic sprats (sprattus sprattus balticus) 8-11 cm in carton boxes. Spiced salted sprats 8-11 cm in 10 kg netto plastic pails. Frozen baltic herring (clupea harengus membras) 11-13 cm, 13-15 cm, 15 cm+ in carton boxes. Frozen smelt (osmerus eperlanus) 12-15 cm in carton boxes.
Contact: Sergei
City: Tallinn
Tel: 53 453 055  Fax: 603 0283
Skype: baltrecord
Email: Email Baltrecord Ou
Cargotrade Ltd
Producers, exporters and wholesalers of fresh frozen fish, such as a Spratt (Sprattus Sprattus Balticus), fresh frozen, WR for production purpose (II-nd grade) & Ist grade and also the Baltic Herring (Clupea Harengus Membras)
Contact: Stanislav Zamogilnoi
City: Tallinn, Harjumaa
Tel: 512 6357  Fax: 632 6561
Skype: stanislav.zamogilnoi
Email: Email Cargotrade Ltd
Dolphin Shipmanagement SPB Ltd
reputed supplier of marine spare parts, assembles and accessories. We are very close to a large number of spare parts, assembles and accessories producers, genuine OEM manufacturers and re-conditioners. Our technical and sales team is here 24/7 to provide pre-order consultancies, order follow up and multilingual technical support on all stages.
Contact: Konstantin Karkachev
City: Tallinn
Tel: +3725159512 
Skype: kurban1401
Email: Email Dolphin Shipmanagement SPB Ltd
Itil Trading Ltd
Our company offers caviar of sturgeon fishes to sale. Container: 1000grs:Tin can, 500grs :Tin can, 1 OZ : Glass jar, Self Life 150 day
Contact: Damir Denisov
City: Tallinn
Tel: 662 3397  Fax: 662 3397
Skype: damirdamir705
Email: Email Itil Trading Ltd
Läätsa Kalatööstus Ltd
Producers, processors and exporters of frozen sprat and Baltic herring, as well as spiced sprat. Another important area of activity is the packaging and marketing of unpeeled prawns (Pandalus Borealis).
Contact: Julia Korjukovets
City: Läätsa Village, Saaremaa
Tel: +37258540504  Fax: -
Skype: -
Email: Email Läätsa Kalatööstus Ltd Estonia 
Email Julia at Läätsa Kalatööstus Ltd
Mariso Seafood OÜ
Import and distribute premium quality seafood products in Europe region as well as Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan. Our product quality is sustainable and accepted by EU authority. Specialize in Tuna, Oilfish, Marlin, Mahi, Swordfish, Wahoo. We also do trading for other kind of fish Pangasius, tilapia, red snapper, barramundi, parrot fish which origin in Vietnam.
City: Peterburi tee 90F-31 , 11415 Tallin
Tel: +372 675 0235  Fax: -
Skype: -
Email: Email Mariso Seafood
OU Meremill
Baltic Sprats, Baltic Herring (Clupea harengus), Baltic Smelt (Osmerus eperlanus), Bream, Roach, Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) - Salmon fillets, Salmon portions, Salmon Backbones, Salmon Heads, Salmon Bellies, WR Salmon, Salmon trimmings, Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Trout caviar, white fish (Coregonus clupeaformis)
Contact: Deniss Matetski
City:  Tallinn, Harjumaa
Tel: +372 5819 2344  Fax: -
Skype: omulfot_deniss_matetski
OÜ Shark Seafoods
We are frozen seafood trading company from Estonia. Our activities are focused primarily on the markets of Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, which is especially appreciated the individual approach to every client and flexible prices. Today, we are pleased to offer you products from Estonia, Norway, Chile, Argentina, China, Morocco, Vietnam and Iceland. Years of experience purchasing and exclusive contracts with leading manufacturers guarantee a high-quality goods at factory price with no additional fees. The company guarantees the timely fulfillment of orders of any size following products: Bream (Abramis Brama) / Estonia Roach (Rutilus rutilus) Estonia Baltic herring (Baltic herring) (Clupea harengus membras) - Estonia Atlantic salmon (Salmon) (Salmo salar) / Chile, Norway, Farrer Salmon trout, (Onchorhynchus mykiss) / Chile, Norway, Denmark, Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) Iceland / Norway Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) / Canada, Norway, Iceland Peruvian Hake (Merluza gayi peruanus) / Peru, Ecuador Oily fish (escolar) (Lepidocybium flavobrunneum) / Ecuador, Vietnam Pangasius (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) / Vietnam Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) / China, Morocco Sardine (Sardina pilchardus) / Morocco Sardinella (Sardinella aurita).
Contact: Kristo Pastak
City:  Tallinn
Tel: +3725 85 23224 
+372 669 9997
Skype: kristopastak
Email: Email OÜ Shark Seafoods Estonia / Email OÜ Shark Seafoods 
Peipus Fish
The Peipus Lake is the fifth-largest Lake in Europe, where habitat highest quality, healthy freshwater fish. We offer fish like perch, pike, and more...
Contact: Julia
City: Estonia
Tel: -
Skype: -
Saare Fishexport OÜ
Our company is one of the biggest catchers and producers in Estonia. Our main products are: baltic sprat (sprattus sprattus balticus), baltic herring (clupea harengus membras) and coldwater shrimps (pandalus borealis). As we are represented in every link of the chain: catching, producing, packing and selling, it gives the best possible control of quality and price. Our producing methods are flexible - we produce IQF fish, block frozen fish, preserves. Also possible packing opportunities for wholesale and retail market.
Contact: -
City: Nasva, Estonia
Tel: -
+372 45 45888
Skype: -
Email: Email Saare Fishexport
Supercargo Ltd, Tallinn Port Cargo.
Supercargo Ltd is a well-customer oriented company providing excellent customer service in export-import & transportation logistics. Our company can be your right and reliable forwarding agent in Tallinn, Estonia. We are ready to organise full service for Handling/Transhipment of the containerised and break-bulk cargo arriving to Tallinn from the different places. In accordance with your instructions will send consignments to Russia (Moscow & other places) or CIS countries using the multimodal transport. We have signed cooperation agreements and service contracts with bonded warehouses in Muuga Free Economic Zone, which is located in deep-water container terminal. Agreements with some shipping companies. Possibility to organise the full container/shipping service in some Baltic sea ports as well.
Contact: Stanislav Zamogilniy
City: Tallinn, Harjumaa
Tel: 605 1252  Fax: 605 1252
Skype: stanislav.zamogilnoi
Email: Email Supercargo Ltd
UAFG OÜ is an intensively growing Estonian company. We mainly offer fresh fish from Peipus Lake and nearest rivers: pike-perch, pike, perch, bream, roach, vendace and eel. We can offer filleting service and fresh fillets. In addition we offer frozen fish and fillets. There is smoked and dried fish in our range of products. Furthermore we can offer salmon and salmon products to our clients.
Contact: Aleksandr U
City: -
Tel: +37259187171
Skype: -

Government Contacts & Information Resources for
Commercial Fishing, Seafood, Aquaculture, Marine & Oceans in Estonia


Europêche - Association of national organisations of fishing enterprises in the European Union


European Association of Fish Producers’ Organisations (EAPO) - European Association of Fish Producers Organisations


European Commission - Fisheries - The Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) is the European Union's instrument for the management of fisheries and aquaculture. It was created to manage a common resource and to meet the obligation set in the original Treaties of the then European Community. Because fish are a natural and mobile resource they are considered as common property. In addition, the Treaties which created the Community stated that there should be a common policy in this area, that is, common rules adopted at EU level and implemented in all Member States.


Fishery and Aquaculture Country Profile for Estonia - aquatic species caught by country or area, by species items, by FAO major fishing areas, and year, for all commercial, industrial, recreational and subsistence purposes. The harvest from mariculture, aquaculture and other kinds of fish farming is also included.


The Government of the Republic of Estonia Website -  exercises executive power pursuant to the Constitution and the laws of the Republic of Estonia.


Fisheries in Estonia
Capital: Tallinn
Population: 1.315 million (2014, Statistics Estonia)
GDP: €18.44 billion (2013, Statistics Estonia)
GDP/capita: €14,010 (2013, Statistics Estonia)

Fish production:
Capture: 11,956 tonnes (ocean catch, 2013), 55,559 tonnes (Baltic Sea catch 2013); 2,850 tonnes (inland waters, 2013)
Aquaculture: 733 tonnes (2013)
Export value: EUR 195.6 million (2013, Eurostat)
Import value: EUR 165.9 million (2013, Eurostat)


Commercial Fishing sector in Estonia
There are four segments in the Estonian capture fishery: the Atlantic distant water, the Baltic trawl, the Baltic coastal, and the inland water fleets. The distant water fleet today comprises six vessels, which target northern prawn (Pandalus borealis), Atlantic redfishes (Sebastes spp), skates, and Greenland halibut in the Northwest Atlantic, the Northeast Atlantic, and Svalbard. Catches in 2013 by this fleet amounted to just under 12,000 tonnes of fish. All shrimp is processed (boiled, frozen) on board of fishing vessels.

The Baltic Sea fishery is subdivided into the open sea fishery using trawlers, and the coastal fishery. There are about 50 vessels in the Baltic Sea fishery which employ some 500 fishers. Fishing quotas in the coastal fishery are about one third of the total Baltic Sea quotas and the gear commonly used is passive, comprising different kinds of trap and gill nets. The bulk of the catches comprises sprat and herring, but small amounts of cod, smelt and flounder are caught as well. Sprat and herring are landed mainly at Estonian ports where the catch is sold to fish freezing or processing companies.

There are about 600 vessels in the coastal fishing fleet and the sector provides employment to some 2,500 fishers, however fishing is only a part-time occupation for most of them. The total catch in the Baltic Sea in 2013 was 55,560 tonnes with Baltic sprat followed by Baltic herring making up most of the volume. The freshwater fishery amounted to 2,850 tonnes in 2013 and is essentially from two sites, the Lakes Peipsi and Vortsjärv. Bream, pike and pike perch are the most important species in volume terms, while eel is the most valuable. About 420 fishers are employed in the inland fishery sector, most of them part time. The vessels used are less than 12 m in length and number about 300. The gear used in for lake fishing is mostly passive, such as fyke nets and gill nets, but Danish seines are also used in the summer months. Source


AQUASTAT is FAO's global information system on water and agriculture developed by the Land and Water Division. It collects, analyses and disseminates data and information by country and by region. Its aim is to provide users interested in global, regional and national analyses with comprehensive information related to water resources and agricultural water management across the world, with emphasis on countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Information for Estonia


Statistical Office of Estonia - Statistics database of the national statistics, including regional statistics. The database is divided into the following thematic issues: the environment, economy, population, social life. Population and Housing Census and Agricultural Census are presented separately. Each area is divided into sub-areas. The database is in English and Estonian


Ocean Health Index Estonia - The Ocean Health Index is a valuable tool for the ongoing assessment of ocean health. By providing a means to advance comprehensive ocean policy and compare future progress, the Index can inform decisions about how to use or protect marine ecosystems. The Index is a collaborative effort, made possible through contributions from more than 65 scientists/ocean experts and partnerships between organizations including the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Sea Around Us, Conservation International, National Geographic, and the New England Aquarium. Information for Estonia


The Fisheries Secretariat - The Fisheries Secretariat is a non-profit organisation dedicated to work towards more sustainable fisheries at an international level, with a focus on the European Union. The Fisheries Secretariat (FISH) is a non-profit organisation working towards sustainable fisheries in Europe with a strong focus on the Baltic Sea. Our long-term goal is healthy seas with thriving fish stocks and great diversity. At FISH, we work towards more sustainable fisheries through information, international co-operation, capacity building and lobbying. We have a particular mission to support and help other organisations, as well as the public, with information and knowledge.


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