Sea-Ex Company Details
Australia, a division of LABICHE CORPORATION PTY. LTD,
was established in 1996 and is headed by a dedicated team to lead the way in this challenging aspect
of electronic marketing, which is the Internet.
Sea-Ex is constantly researching and developing this platform. Our
team has extensive knowledge of internet marketing and business
management skills.
Being experienced in e-commerce provides us with the knowledge to
further educate seafood and marine industry companies on how to best set their
e-commerce strategy and adapt to the changing trends of the internet.
We have carried out extensive research in the Seafood and Marine
industries, defining the needs and implementing the resources on our
Internet site at to cater to this industry.
During our constant development and ongoing research of our website we
have gained recognition and loyalty from our users and new users thus
making the Sea-Ex commercial fishing site one of their favourite platforms
to source the information that they require. Our dynamic
Seafood Trading
brings repeated visits to our site.
The Sea-Ex site provides resources for the seafood and marine
industries. These sectors and related companies can meet together
at a central location to trade, find new
Industry contacts and
establish new markets and to initiate and build relationships with
potential buyers and sellers both in Australia and abroad.
Sea-Ex also provides resources
on recreational fishing, yachts and yachting, information on marine creatures of the world
and all aspects of every marine industry.
We now have over 45,000 Individual Visitors PER DAY to our site.