Mackay Reef Fish Supplies Pty Ltd
Mackay Reef Export Pty Ltd
Coral Trout frozen whole and fillet, Red Throat Emperor
frozen whole and fillet, Reef Cod whole and fillet, Spanish
and Grey Mackerel fillets, Mixed Reef fillets, Barramundi
Cod and Maori Wrasse whole, G&G. Banana, King,
Endeavour and Tiger Prawns, Moreton Bay Bugs, Sand Crab,
Mud Crab, Spanner Crab. Fresh Fish - Gold Band Snapper, Rosy Job
Fish, Cod, Sampson Fish, Flame Snapper, Green Jobfish, Red Snapper, Saddle Tail Snapper
and others.
Frozen: G&G Whole Coral Trout, Red Throat Emperor, Cod, King
Prawns, Banana Prawns, Spanner Crab, Coral Trout fillet, baby Barramundi.
Fresh: Prawns, Gold Band Snapper, Jobfish, Red
Snappers, Spotted Mackerel, Spanish Mackeral, Reef Fish, baby Barramundi,
Live Redclaw crayfish.